Explaining and Smiles

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You sat with Sans under the tree, telling him about these dreams and how your eyes out burn the unwanted determination that caused your dreams. "Most of the dreams are nightmares. They are things that happened or things that might or will happen. They... scare me.." You sighed, Sans saw a faint red glow in your eyes, he thought it was interesting.

"SO, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHY THIS HAPPENS?" Sans asked, putting his scarf on you. You shrugged and thought for a second. "I have a theory. I believe after my sister, Chara, was killed, I gained her DETERMINATION and it overwhelms my body. So... when I dream... I see these 'things' that... You know..." You replied, Sans smiled and hugged your side, accidently poking your side.

You giggled and rested your head on Sans' shoulder. Sans blushed a bright blue and allowed you to sleep. Your eyes had a dim red flare, you smiled and letted the cold air fill your lungs. You finally felt at peace.

SwapFell! Sans x Shy/Scared! ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt