Snowdin forest

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You walked out of the ruins, carrying your art supplies in a book bag. You saw the stick and kicked it slightly, you sighed and kept walking. You stopped and walked back to the stick, quickly doing a sketch. "Curse me and my drawling habits." You growled as you walked ahead, you looked at the gate and sat down. You fell asleep against one of the poles, dreaming.

-- Dream --

You were running, running fast and almost not touching the ground. You had no idea why you were running, all you knew was that bones were firing as you ran. You finally got hit and fell into the snow, you breathed hard and painfully. The last thing you saw was a skeleton your height about to put a bone in your chest.

-- Dream End --

You almosted screamed as you woke up, you panted and saw it was snowing. "Ok... no more sleeping in the middle of the woods..." You mumbled to yourself, picking up your bag and walked ahead. You soon heard two voices argueing, you gulped and pulled your hood up.

You walked past the skeletons, you flintched when you heard someone yell "YOU! HUMAN!" You stopped and turned around, you gasp and froze when you met eyes with a skeleton that was your sized. "Can I help you?" You asked, trying not to be scared. The taller skeleton looked down at the smaller one as he looked at you.

You looked down and started to walk away. "STOP NOW." The voice ordered. You whimpered and saw something behind a bush, you walked towards it, ignoring the skeleton yelling at you.

You growled and picked the item up, it was some scarf. "Yours?" You asked, walking up to the skeletons. The smaller one took it and putted it on. "THANK YOU HUMAN. MY BROTHER LIKES TO HIDE MY STUFF FROM ME. I AM SANS." You smiled as the taller skeleton snickered. "Well. I'll see you around." You replied, trotting ahead. Sans just stared until you were out of veiw.

"Are you ok M'lord?"


SwapFell! Sans x Shy/Scared! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now