20 questions...

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Mai's POV:

When I woke up the clock read 7:30am to be honest I was surprised that I actually managed to sleep at all last night. After all today I'm answering any questions that they may have. 

I'm shitting it. 

They could ask anything, and I am in no mood to be telling them about what happens every second of everyday since they've been gone. 

"let's just get this over and done with" i mutter to myself running a hand through my hair. 

at the office. 

I stand looking at the office. I can hear rather than see everyone, so I know they are here. Taking a deep breath I walk in.

"So shall we start." 

Everyone's head snaps up to me and they remain silent but sit down. "So who's first?"

"Why didn't you call one of us when it happened?" Monk asks quietly. 

"Because I hadn't heard from you for 2 years before. I didn't exactly want to call you up and burden you with this." 

"But you wouldn't have been a bur-"

"only questions, I don't have the energy to have an argument." And Monk shuts up. 

"did you get pregnant that night?" Akayo asks, this shocked me. I had to look down when i nodded me head and whispered:


"what do you mean you got pregnant?" Naru asks 

i laugh at him sarcastically "oh please tell me Naru you know where babies come from, didn't you ever learn about the bees and the flowers?"

"you know thats not what i mean Mai."

I sigh "to answer your question yes I was pregnant i didn't know until the first month but as you know Naru..." i turn to look at him "...every power has a price, my price was my child." 

"you said you died but how come you still bleed and get injured?" Lin asks

"any spirit that we exorcise feels pain right... "he nods his head "... well its similar for demons...

i have ties with this world and with the demon world so i can feel emotion like a human however i can't get physically injured from anything here. 
In a similar way I can't really feel much emotion in the demon world however i can get physically hurt from anything that is supernatural."

"so when you go on cases as we're dealing with ghosts you can get hurt." Lin summarises


"when will you have to take over from Satan?" John asks

"that depends on when or if he dies or gets destroyed."

"how long will you live for?" Lin asks.

I itch the back of my head as this suddenly got very awkward "i'm immortal however I do age so 1 demon year is the equivalent of 10 human years. So when your 50 really I will be 26" 

"the guy who, um, you know, how did he only have a limited time?" Masako asks 

"well like i mentioned before i can only get physically hurt by the supernatural so thats one way. But the guy who, and lets be frank here, Raped me... He was cursed by Satan as he did a bad deed.

So the other way we can die is if we get sentenced by Satan and if we do then depending on what you did you could have anything between 1 hour to 24 hours to do anything you need to."

"if you become Satan what will happen to you then" Monk asks

"Well I wouldn't be able to stay up here for too long. My immortality would increase 10-fold alongside with my powers. I would have to run the underworld and sentence people to death etc..
However i will also have to fight a lot to keep my title."

"Where will you go?" Naru asks

"what do you mean by that?" Monk asks 

"Well when we die we know that we become a spirit and move on either to hell or to the light. But if your destroyed Mai where will you go?"

I smile to myself, of course he would think of this "i would go into, what we call the dark abyss. Its part of the curse of being a demon. When we die we just go into a dark open space for eternity."

Masako puts her sleeve up to her mouth to try and cover her gasp.

"any other questions or can we stop here?" I ask hopeful that it.

"One more question..." Naru asks staring directly at me. 

"... do you blame me."

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