Demon VS Demon

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" the fight will be tonight at midnight outside. I will prepare everything." I state. 

"well enjoy your last day being alive demon" he smirks about to vanish 

"i would but demons are already dead" he stops smirking knowing that i am right and just vanishes without another word. 

My attention suddenly snaps back to John who is lying on the floor with Akayo "how is he?"

"He is fine he just fainted from lack of oxygen but he should wake up soon." she replies almost robotically 

"ok good." I sigh and stare back to everyone waiting for the bombardment of questions to hit me. 

"what the FUCK MAI?" monk shouts "what do you mean your a fucking DEMON?" 

"its a long story..." i sigh not wanting to go into it

"we don't care how long it is Mai..." Naru says with anger in his words "Just tell us what is going on NOW!" 

"i'm sorry but no can do. I have 10 hours to prepare and I can't waste that time." i start walking off until...

"Mai i've read about battles of the old ways between two demons and devils i know how bad they are." Lin states 

"at least explain what the battle of the old ways is please" monk asks exasperated 

"ok but not down here its dark and cold lets get a cup of tea and i will briefly explain whats going to happen."

we all make our way upstairs and i try to think about the quickest way i can get this conversation over and down with. 

(upstairs everyone is sitting with a cup of tea and a sour expression)

"so where do you want me to start?"  i hesitantly ask 

"just start with the battle we can talk about who you are later" Naru states and i can clearly see that he is restraining himself 

"ok so the battle of the old ways..." i sigh "... In hell there are different statuses of demon. You have the lowest demon: the runts, the middle demon: the norm, the higher demon: the bourguesise. these are all the standard demons. 

however you do also have the royal demons: this is anyone that is related to Satan. 

And you also have the gifted demons: any demon that was a physic or had PK when they were alive would have similar powers when they were a demon. This is the category i fall into. 

Anyway you are born or transferred into these different ranks and some demons were upset and wanted to be a higher rank. 

So to stop any conflict Satan made a law stating: If a demon challenges another demon and they both accept then there would be a battle.

But the consequences are quite deadly: this is a fight to the death" i hear several gasps around the room. " if the higher rank demon lost then the challenger took his place and power. 

however if the lower rank demon lost he would be destroyed and sent into the black abyss.

The fight consist of:

-  a ring or a fight ground - its basically a magical shield that protects any outsiders and this is what i need to set up

- two demons 

and thats it."

"so you will be fighting in a battle to the death basically?" Yasu sums it up

"yes. Now i need to go and set up that ring. So i will go and let that news settle and then after the battle i will tell you about what happened two years ago." 

i start to walk off when i remember something "oh yeah!" i throw my phone to Yasu "call Casey and Lei  I need to tell them something. Ask them to come here and simply tell them: It's started again" 

with that i walk off outside preparing the ring and awaiting my opponent. 

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