Walking out of hospital... MAI!

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I really hate it when i use too much power. I get stuck in unconsciousness and i get lonely. Because it is dark in here and theres no one here with me!! I haven't seen Gene in years and truth be told - i miss him. 

I start to feel a bit warmer, and i feel the dug to the warmth. Finally. 

 As i open my eyes and take in my surroundings i see white. All white. Hello hospital aka my second home, long time no see. 

I start to look around and see everyone in the room asleep. Lin isn't in the room though and neither is Naru. Doesn't surprise me really. Akayo is sitting down next to Monk and is leaning on his shoulder however Masako is leaning against John's shoulder and his head is leaning on her dead. That's so cute !! On my bedside table i see my phone - grabbing it i take photos of everyone. That is going to be handy in the future.  Looking at the clock i realise that its just past 1 in the morning. 

Well I need to stretch my legs a bit. I pull my drip out of my arm and stick it into the mattress so that it is still working. Grabbing my rucksack from  underneath the bed i head out of the door taking one more look behind me. 

After i've got changed in the ladies bathroom I walk out of hospital - after signing out of course - and take a quick pit stop to my house. 

walking around in the cold, fresh, crisp air i breathe in and out. Everything is so perfect and night. The stars are on full display and everything feels so real and alive. I feel so at peace until...

RING....RING.....RING.....RING.... I look at the caller I.D and lower and behold its Monk. 

"hello..." i start 

"MAI WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU????" theres Monk....

"MAI get your ASS back down here NOW!!!" there Akayo - i guess their on speaker. 


"there's that cold, narcissistic, stoic voice that we've all grown to love" i sarcastically say. 

"Mai where are you?" Naru asks. 

"well i am currently going through a abandoned park with my rucksack" 

"Mai you need to come back to the hospital!" Monk said 

"no i don't i'm fine" i explain 


"technically no i didn't you did i just got the wound - and its completely closed up and i can see the scar, theres no scab or anything." i mutter. 

"can you at least tell us where your going." Naru states.

"yeah i am right on my door step- just collecting some more cloths that don't have holes in them - and then i'm going back to the haunted house." 

"Mai you can't just walk out of hospitals you need to sign out first and the doctors need to check on you" Akayo explains. 

"don't worry i have a deal with that hospital - and i can sign my own documents and walk out when ever i want."

"wait WHAT! that isn't/shouldn't be allowed!" Akayo practically shouts down the phone. 

"it is for me. I have a deal with the hospital i mean i've been there so often ...."

"Mai how many times have you been here?" i here naru ask

"Well Naru.... Wouldn't you like to know." 

with that i hang up the phone and walk into my house. I have a shower and check out the new scar to add to my collection. It was pretty clean actually - just a quick line down the side of my hip.

I go to my garage and get my new bike out. And when i say bike i mean Motorbike. Ha if the gang react to my job the way they did - i can't wait to see their reaction to my new bike. I get on my black ONYX and jet off to the mansion where i am about to permanently destroy the bastard who stabbed Monk. 

When i arrive to the house i see the whole crew standing outside the front door waiting for me. 

"Mai..." and theres Monk "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT BIKE?!?!?!" 

Ghost hunt: What they don't know won't hurt them.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang