This is my bar and I didn't invite you.

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A/N I just want to say that I am really sorry for not updating recently and a HUGE thank you for 10 people reading. It really means a lot. Thank you.                                                                                                               --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I have stood on this stage thousands of times. I have been applauded, i have been asked for a encore, i have even been offered a drink for doing such a good performance. But I have never been laughed at. 

"Your bar? Please little miss let the adults talk and you just stay out of it." one of the armed guards say laughing.

"And put down that gun you look ridiculous little girl" another man said to my right. i look around the room and see Naru and the others look up at me in shock and worry. Lei is looking at me and is obviously furious that i am up here, he will probably 'talk' to me later about it. 

"Why don't you come and party with us" a large man with a beer in his hand shouted. 

i start to laugh as well with the men. A few of the men look at me as if i am mad and others look at me as if i was about to 'party' with them. Lei and Casey look at me with knowing looks in their eyes, they know that things are about to get ugly. 

Still laughing i start to speak "your right i really should stay out of this" i sigh dramatically "but this IS MY bar and i don't remember inviting you. Besides didn't you see the no violence sign on the door..." i start casually playing with my gun getting ready for a fight "... well you probably didn't see it because your probably all to stupid to read." from the corner of my eye i see a man grabbing his knife and getting ready to charge. 

"Why you little bitch." He runs at me with his knife raised up, before he manages to reach me i kick him in the gut and use my PK to send him flying backwards, everyone thinks that i have super strength but actually it was just a little trick. The man goes crashing into a table splitting it in two and stops moving. 

"whose next?" i ask. 

"come here you slut, i'm Mike" he had a gun "and this is Drake," he had a knife "lets party." the two men suddenly come charging at me I grab Mike's outstretched arm and pull him forward elbowing him in the face at the same time. Drake comes charging towards us and i use Mike's gun - still in his had - to shoot down Drake mid stride. As soon as i shot Drake down i kicked Mike in the balls that got him down on his knees. When he was down i used the back of my gun to hit him in the head, with the final blow he was knocked out. 

"Mike, Drake?" a man with a huge knife questioned.

"they won't be waking up in a while." i say laughing a little. "come on then 'big boy' are you going to have a go at trying to take me down." i laugh again at him making his turn red from ear to ear. 

"thats it everyone get her, that whore needs to be put down." the fat boy shouts. Looking around i see that there are still 6 men standing, but i know that there is still one outside in the hallway. All six stand up and simultaneously start charging towards me. 

"so you kidnap my friends, you break the rules of MY bar and you call me a slut, bitch and whore. Yea the only ones going down is you." they all start to run more slowly hesitant and what i said. when they all surround me i bend down on one knee and concentrate all my energy everyone. I listen to everything around me and i freeze i lock into my world and feel my PK flow through me i feel my eyes start to turn a bright blue and i start to feel like i am floating. I create a small bubble of PK in me and in a second I release everything, my emotion, my anger, my hatred and my power towards the men but i make sure to avoid Casey, Lei and my other 'friends'.  A huge dome of pure blue 'essence' or power unleashes out of me to all the men. They are sent flying backwards into walls, into tables and chairs. 

i slowly stand up swaying a little because i haven't used that much power in a while. My vision is slightly blurred and i can faintly see Lei and Casey running up to see me. 

"No one messes with my bar." i finally say before my legs give way. But luckily Lei is there and lets me lean all my weight on him. 

"you are a stupid idiot you know that." he says in my ear. "but thank you."

"come on Lei lets get her out of here, she can stay at my house tonight." Casey says. 

"thanks guys." as we start to slowly make out way out i remember something and turn back. "SPR..." they all turn to look at me "i forgot to say hi." i smile and turn around and slowly walk away. i faintly hear familiar voices from SPR but i chose to ignore them like they had ignored me for the past 3 years and i walk away with my new family. 

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