talk about a welcome party...

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"so mai how have you been over these past years?" Yasu causally asked. I'm not going to lie: it did piss me off a little at how he can be so casual - i mean he hasn't seen let alone talked to me in 3 years. He hasn't got a fucking clue what i went through. He hasn't got any idea. 

"nothing much. You?" i asked equally as casually 

"Look Mai i didn't mean it that way - its just - it was difficult to try and see you but now that the team is back together we can talk about what we've done and what's been going on and..."

"thats it Yasu - look i get that your trying ok i do get it, but it wasn't just difficult to try to go and see you it was difficult not being able to see you period. And now that 'the team is back' your back - is that really the only reason" i say - i don't shout - i've had enough of shouting. 

but before he can reply i just say "you know what forget it we haven't even finished half the rooms yet." 

as we continued to walk down the corridor i sense something behind us. As Yasu gets busy setting up the other camera i turn around and see a girl. "hey Yasu i'm just going to the toilet" 

"ok cool."

i walk out the door and out into the hallway where the little girl is standing. "Hey there..." i smile at her and sit down next to her. As my abilities have grown i have learned the best way to talk and communicate with spirits of all ages and genders. 

"hello..." she whispers back 

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?"

" i don't know how to get out. i've been stuck here forever but then i saw you. do you know how to get out?" she asks and then i know she hasn't died. 

"sweety before i help you can i ask you something?" 

she nods her head.

"do you know what happened before you got here?" 

she nods her head again.

"if its ok can you tell me what happened - if you do i will be able to help you get out of here." 

"ok..." she starts "...well i was walking to my room when this man came towards me ..." 

"mai what are you doing?" i here Naru say behind me with Lin on his tail...

"its ok i'm talking to this girl but stay back she doesn't like men" i could tell Naru didn't like bing told what to do but he complied. 

"sorry about that sweety..." i turn back to the - now scared spirit - "...its ok i will protect you" 

"i was walking to my room and this man came towards me, he asked if i could show him the way to the lift as he was lost and i said yes. Then all i remember was darkness and waking up in a dark room - thats all i know." i nod my head and grab her hands and she stares back at me.

"i need you to do something if you felt scared or hatred that night i need you to let go of it and feel happy."

she starts to tear up "but i have nothing to be happy about." 

"Do you remember your parents?" she nods her head eagerly "then remember them." 

suddenly she glows a magnificent gold. "Do you feel warm?" i ask 

"Yes its the first time in a long time that i've felt anything."

"thats good now i want you to look for a light and when you do go towards it."

"but i'm scared what if that man is there?" her colour starts to fade again.

"i can promise that he won't be there. But your parents will be." 

"i'm scared." 

"How about i make you a deal?" i question. She nods her head yes ok i can hear her say. "You go to the light and if that man is there - then you can bring him down to me and i will go with him instead of you." 

she immediately glows again and smiles. "would you really do that?" i nod my head "thank you so much" she hugs me and i hug back until she has disappeared into thin air. 

when i turn around i see the whole gang there staring wide-eyed 

"Mai since when have you been able to cleanse spirits?" Akayo asks

"and not to mention the PK you used earlier?" Lin adds. 

"but most importantly - why would you tell that girl that you would take her place if that man came back?" Naru asks 

"yes that was stupid Mai - if he comes back your dead and how do you know that he isn't there?" 

i smirk not looking at any of them but in-between them and i point between Lin and Naru

"because he is standing right there" 

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