"Mommy, you've come home to us."

Sam and Dean's heads snapped up the staircase, where they saw two ghost children standing at the top.

"No way—ghost babies?" Dean said, mouth dropping open.

They watched as water poured down the stairs, the children appearing on either side of their mother, their arms wrapping tightly around her. Constance let out a loud wail as they sunk into the ground, leaving nothing behind but a small puddle on the dusty carpet.

Sam and Dean pushed the dresser away and Dean moved to check out the front of the car as Sam knelt down beside Amelia.

"I think she has a concussion," Sam said, using his sleeve to wipe the blood off her forehead.

"How can you tell?" Dean asked, straightening up, brushing off his jeans.

"Her pupils are slightly different sizes. Like yours were after that poltergeist in '93. You got a concussion after it threw you through like, two different walls."

Dean ran a hand through his already messed-up hair, cursing the spirits under his breath as he watched his brother attempt to wake up their sister.

"C'mon, 'Melia!" Sam urged, large hand gently tapping on her cheek. "Wake up!"

The brothers were silent for a painful moment, waiting to see a response. She groaned softly, forehead crinkling as her eyes blinked open.

"Wha'd I miss?" She slurred, turning her bleary gaze to her older brothers.

Sam and Dean both relaxed slightly.

"C'mon, Ames, let's lay you down in the back seat, okay?"

She nodded, allowing Dean to guide her to the back seat. "Try and stay awake okay? Don't need you falling asleep on us," Dean said, buckling her in as she slowly nodded her head.

"'M kay," she murmured, nodding slightly, causing her to wince.

"I think I have some aspirin in my bag," Sam muttered from the passenger seat, digging through his backpack. He handed two pills to Amelia along with a bottle of water. "That should help with the headache, but I don't think you should go to sleep yet."

She hummed in response, downing the pills and holding the cold bottle to her forehead, staring out the window as Dean drove. Heading back to Stanford.

They pulled up outside Sam's apartment a few hours later, and he climbed out of the imapala.

"Hey!" Dean called, leaning over to look out the window at Sam. Sam turned around, hitching his bag farther up his shoulder. "We made a pretty good team back there," Dean said, grinning slightly.

Sam smiled slightly in return. "Yeah," he agreed. He looked into the back window at his sister who was watching him with sad eyes. "See you, Amy. Don't be afraid to call, alright?"

She nodded, giving him a small smile.

Sam looked back at Dean. "You better bring her to get her head checked out, Dean."

Dean grinned. "You got it, Mama Hen."

Sam gave him a bitch face, before waving and walking back up to his apartment.

The impala sat idle outside the apartment building for a few moments.

"What are we waiting for? We got coordinates to get to," Amy said from the back seat.

"Just wanna make sure Sammy's okay, alright? We'll go in a few minutes."

A split second later, fire erupted from the apartment building.

"Sonofabitch," Dean spat, clambering out of the car. "You stay there!" He yelled back at Amelia, as she climbed out of the car.

She held her hand to her mouth as she watched the flames grow, bursting from Sam's windows. "Oh, god," she muttered, panic rising in her throat.

People starting gathering on the sidewalk, watching the fire in frightened awe, murmuring amongst themselves as sirens wailed in the distance.

"C'mon, Dean...Sammy. C'mon..."

She nearly collapsed from relief as she saw her brothers emerge from the burning building, Dean holding Sam's arm around his shoulders as Sam fought against him, yelling something... calling out for someone.

"Jess!" He yelled, voice broken and raw.

Cold sadness welled up in Amelia's stomach as she realized what happened. She rushed to her brothers, meeting them halfway as she wrapped an arm around Sam's waist, leading him to the impala beside Dean.

About an hour later, the fire trucks had cleared, as well as the crowd of onlookers, leaving the Winchester siblings standing on the sidewalk, trunk of the impala open.

Dean tossed a gun into the trunk, standing beside Sam as Amelia looked on, arms wrapped around herself.

"We got work to do."

• • •A/N

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I did have this on hiatus for a few weeks, a while ago, but I just couldn't leave it like that for god knows how long so here, have this half-assed chapter!

But, nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed it!

Woman in White: check
Wendigo: up next.

(Yes, I decided on Maia as Amelia's official faceclaim! Thanks so much for your input, guys!)

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