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POV: Yoongi
"Sohwa, repeat what you just said!" father demanded. "Dos you say that Yoongi and Hoseok were in love?"

"Please, don't make this hard for me, Yoongi," Sohwa hissed. "You know that I'll tell. I will tell your father that you're gay."

"Bitch, I swear if you do..."

"Mr. Min, I think that Yoongi and Hoseok had something going on!" she gasped, as if it was a total surprise. "Perhaps, your son is actually gay?"

"Sohwa..." I gritted my teeth.

"Gay?" father widened his eyes in shock. "Darling, is my only son a homosexual?"

"Y-yes, Mr. Min," she pouted. "I-I'm very sure that the two of them probably had a relationship going on... surely, you'd want to punish poor Yoongi for that, Mr. Min."

"Well, Yoongi," he took a deep breath. "I'm not a homophobe, so don't worry about that," I took a huge sigh of relief. "And I would actually let you go with Hoseok..." he paused. "But, you're already arranged to marry Sohwa, and I will not change those plans just because you had a little thing for her brother instead. Sorry, son, you're going to have to move on and start doing things my way."

At that comment, a weak, pathetic cough left my mouth. How could he do that to me?

"Well, Yoongi, baby, you love me, and I love you, so all is well, isn't it?" Sohwa fake-smiled. "We're in love, so this marriage wouldn't have been a surprise... I'm sure that we were bound to get together, anyway, it didn't even have to be arranged."

"You're actually fucking kidding me, Sohwa," I muttered. "Where the hell have you put Hoseok and why the fuck is he not here with me?! I fucking love him with all of my goddamn heart: do you have a fucking problem with that, Jung Sohwa?!"

"It's Min Sohwa to you, sooner or later," she cackled, ignoring everything that I just said. "Also, don't think that your soppy love shit about Hoseok is going to make me feel any sympathy for you... fiancé."

"I'm not your fiancé! I don't want to be your fucking fiancé, do I? I want to be Hoseok's fiancé! I want to be his husband! I want to be with your brother for the rest of my life... no, forever!"

"Again, I'm telling you. You're marrying me, Jung Sohwa, not Jung Hoseok, as if you were planning to be with him anyway. You marry me, you have no choice. Sorry, baby, that's just the way it is."

"Don't call me baby! Fuck you," I muttered, and dashed out of the house. I didn't look back, or take a glance at Sohwa. I didn't want to see her anyway.

I had enough of her.

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