Chapter 24: Anger got the best of me

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Authors note

This is a really short chapter but it's short for a reason and don't forget to comment and vote

Also check out the poems on my page

Dev Pov

"Dev I need you to handle justin bitch ass" my sis tasia said with tears running down her face.

Immediately I could feel my blood boil so jumped up and grabbed my car keys. I didn't even bother to ask her what happened because honestly I didn't care. All I knew is that this nigga was gone learn today.

You fuck with my fam you fuck with me and fuckin with me ain't no joke.

I hopped I'm my car and called up Kenny.

"Yo Kenny man get dressed I'm coming to pick you up we got some shit to handle."

"Iight man but what's goin on you sound pissed."

"I am man this bitch ass nigga Justin steady fucking with my sis!" I yelled into my phone

"Yo Dev chill man"

"Na man I can't fuckin chill this nigga gone die today"

At this point I'm heated and I speeding down the road.

"Dev man you gotta calm down"

"Na man fuck that"

My phone dropped on to the floor. I reached to grab with my foot still on the pedal. I knew this was a dead road so nothing bad could happen.

When I grabbed my phone and finally look back at the Road all I could see were the headlights of a huge semi truck.

I slammed my brakes but that didn't help. Everything went Blank. . . . . . .

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