Chapter 16: When Times are hard

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"If I was your girlfriend

I'll be there for you, if somebody hurts you

Even if that sombody's me

Yeah-hee (break it down for 'em)

Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be

And so I put this on my life

Nobody or nothing will ever come between us

And I promise I'll give my life

my love and my trust if you was my boyfriend

Put this on my life

The air that I breathe in, all that I believe in

I promise I'll give my life

my love and my trust if you was my boyfriend" - Beyoncé

Ania Pov

When Devontay finally sat down we had a good 10 minutes of silence. "You want Something to drink?" I ask. But still no response

"Are you hungry or anything?" Still no response. But just incase I made both of us a sandwich & got some passion fruit juice.

"Devontay you just can't sit there looking like a soulless person forever" I said getting bothered of his silence.

"Ania... my dad has AIDS" he says

At that moment I choked on my juice for a good minute, and wasn't sure what to say. I became scared for Devontay and got a lil nervous and begin thinking. Did me and Devontay use a condom? How could his dad get AIDS? Is his mom okay?

"Does your mom have AIDS too or HIV?" I asked sounding nervous. But once again he went silent. Maybe I asked the wrong thing.

So I decided to sit next to him and he just layed there.

"Ania my dad's been a cheater since I was a youngin in middle school." He said sounding disappointed.

At that moment he begin telling me everything from the start. All I could do is sit there and listen, and finally understand why Devontay had his players ways and never trusted people who crossed his path in life. But now he's sitting here at 18 years old finding out his parents are getting divorced, and that his dad has AIDS.

But we became interrupted by his phone ringing - it was Tasia calling. Devontay begin to look mad as he was listening to what she was saying

"Tasia what I tell you bout being around them lame ass niggas!" He said sounding angry.

Few minutes later he hung up saying he'll be on his way.

He sighed. "This nigga Tasia called her boyfriend I guess set her up and took her money and left her stranded." I could tell he was mad.

"Where is she? Is she okay?" I knew Tasia could be in shit but not something that deep. I was scared and started to get mad thinking about it.

"I'm going with you" I said in a serious tone.

"Why? Stay here - watch tv or some shit" I said sounding annoyed getting ready to leave.

"Dev I care about Tasia just as much as you do, I'm coming with you" I said demanding.

He sighed. At that moment we left and was headed to get his sister.

"Damn, Fa real gon hate to remember this day" he said grinding his teeth together. I ignores his comment and just looked out the window. I wasn't sure what to say or do at this point. Breaking the silence I tried starting a conversation.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Check yo phone and find out" he said sounding annoyed. I just rolled my eyes and checked my phone.

"Just incase you was wondering it's 9:17pm" I said.

"Coo" He said focused on the road.

I never knew Devontay could be rude as fuck without giving a fuck. Come to think of it I never knew nobody like that until now. I was beginning to think everything I said was a problem. My stomach begin to growl and I was trying my best to hide it. Maybe when we get Tasia we can get something to eat I begin thinking.

It was now 9:33pm "Dev where the hell are we going we've been driving for a while!" I said concerned.

"To get Tasia like yo nosey ass wanted to come wit me to do" he said annoyed while stopping at the red light looking straight ahead. It bothered me how he could say that in a rude tone like nothing was wrong.

"I'm not nosey just worried" I said looking at him. He just looked at me like I said some bull shit and started driving. I was beginning to think again. Was it a good idea for me to come?

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