Chapter 23: Better Than Your Next

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Tasia Pov

Dev was acting weird all today he left super early this morning and when he came home he was just smiling and day dreaming and just being weird.

"umm Dev wassup with you what happen your acting weird"

His eyes got big when i said that.

"Tasia you might wanna sit down cause I'm finna say some crazy ass shit"

"Omg Dev you didn't hurt JUSTIN Did you I told you to just forget about that SHIT you never listen" I said super scared.

"Hahahaha Tasia just shut tf up and listen no i haven't got that bitch ass nigga yet"

"Oh thank goodness woo that's a relief"

"Haha Tasia your crazy but umm Ania ummm she umm "

"NIGGA SPIT IT OUT SHIT " I said super annoyed

"Ania PREGNANT" He said super fast.


"TASIA SHUTUP mom can hear you" he whispered.

"Devo It's to late i already heard everything "

we both turn around and it's are mom.

"Damn" I thought to myself.

"Tasia ima slap your ass in the mouth let me ever hear you cuss like that again"

"mom your wrong for ease dropping in are conversation like that" i say to her tryna sound like im playing but im really serious.

"TASIA SHUTUP i was coming down here to tell you Aujene is on her way over here she called and said you wasn't answering your phone"

"She is yaaasss can we go skating tonight?"

"Yes Tasia y'all can"

When she said yes i ran up stairs to get dress on my way up i hear my mom say to Dev

"we are going to talk about this when Tasia leave "

I can't believe im going to be a auntie im not sad at all a little shock but not mad at all .

I got in the shower and when i got out guess who was in my room Aujene my otherhalf I've been knowing her for a while now and she's a true friend.

"girl hurry up and put some clothes on nobody wanna see you naked" Aujene said while laughing

"Shutup before i flash you ahaha"

"Tasia i would beat your ass haha hurry up and get dress your mom said she dropping us off at the skating rink at 7 it's 6:45 "

"Okay okay"

I start getting dress put a purple t-shirt on than a white v-neck Some dark blue skinny jeans and my bel-airs jordans .

Oh yass i thought i was bad and my hair was curly i was looking A1 baby .
By the time i done getting ready it's time to go .

When we arrived to the skating rink of course all the ratchets was standing outside talking super loud .

When we get inside we go straight to the bathroom when i came out the stall theses to girls kept looking at me and start laughing i was trying my hardest to ignore it im so happy they walked out cause i was finna snap.

when me and Aujene came out the bathroom i see those girls again hugged up with thier boyfriends when i look closer it was JUSTIN AND THE OTHER BOY WHO ROB ME. I started to shake.

"Oh shit Aujene, Justin is here and the boy who rob me "

"Call your brother"

"Im not calling Dev just ignore and try not to make eye contact with Them"

After that we went to go get are skates and went on the floor this one sexy boy kept flirting with Aujene . It was funny cause Aujene hates when people touch her.

They made everyone get off the floor couple skate only they said so the boy who kept messing with Aujene came over he was lightskin had a flat top perfect teeth and was tall.

"Wassup my name Monte what's yours ?"


"That's a pretty name wanna do this couple skate thing with me "

"I'll pass"

"Yass she would love to Aujene skate with him he's cute aha "

She look at me like i was crazy and went on the floor with him.

I happen to look to my left and i saw Justin girlfriend going to bathroom again when she went in Justin look at me directly in my eyes and wink.

That piss me off so bad. But i just rolled my eyes and turn back around . When Justin girlfriend comes out the bathroom . She looked at me and laughed then began walking towards me.

"I mean is their a problem cause you been looking at me since you walk in "

It took everything in my power not to hit this bitch .

" you got me fucked up ! get tf out my face bitch no ones worried about your ugly rat looking ass"

i wasn't lying when i called her ugly she was chubby ,and super dark,had some stiff ass dry ass looking weave and had black heads all over her face

"haha bitch im ugly ? But i took your nigga from you tho right ! "

"Your dumb asf Justin is heartless and evil if i was you i would stop talking to him cause baby girl listen to me if you don't you will regret that shit."

"Haha bitch you sound dumb your not worth my time good bye"

When she walked away i yelled at Aujene .

"Aujene" i said super loud she look up at me and start laughing .

"Okay I Need Everyone Off The Floor" said the people who work there

When Aujene came back by me i told her im ready to go and told her what happen

"so go get Monte number before we leave." I said to her i call my mom told her to come get us by the time we got all are stuff ready mom was outside.

The whole ride home all i could think in my head was wait till i tell Dev.

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