he is convincing

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Hudson pulled in and mum started to make her way inside , he got out and started laugh when he saw my big black coco Chanel suitcase and my Nike backpack , '' and you wonder why you have no friends , rich girls who are quite and boring don't get many likes on there instagram page , do they?'' a smirk formed on his face as he says the undeniable , painful, truth .

I hated that he New that and held onto it, it was high school for Christ sakes!! I mean yes, I was a nerd, yes I was plain and boring, but did he have to be so rude about it?

You know what I don't understand? is why he is here , I mean our family's are not even that close they just know each other because we are both rich , I guess mum is playing matchmaker again . I roll my eyes at the thought , I mean come on Mable Myers , that sounds so weird , ' or does it ? ' a small voice pipes up in my head , but I push the thought away , but there is no doubt Hudson his a dream boat , with his coffee skin and tousled brown hair , his eyes a deep sea foam green, jaw could cut glass and his lips were slightly pink , as a normal girl I wold have fallen for him as soon as I saw him , but there was a huge problem.... he was my schools player. As well as that I hated him he was an idiot.

"get in'' Hudson says as starts up the engine of his red Porsche , interrupting my thought in doing so , I quickly jump in the front seat , reaching over to put my suitcase in the back . '' take me to the airport '' I order hoping he will not oblige , '' what ?! you cant d-'' Hudson starts but trails off , '' your not going to uni are you? '' he questions frowning , I shake my head in response , ''were are you going then?'' he questions further , '' that does not concern you'' I reply quickly , almost to quickly , '' well if your not going to tell me then I will find out myself '' he says with a hint of aggressiveness that scared me , you don't want to get on his bad side , there are rumours that he is a professional boxer and a dangerous street fighter! , Hudson lets go of the steering wheel and dives for my backpack at my feet , I yelp and instinctively grab the steering wheel to make sure we dot fly off the road.

He continues to rummage through my bag , '' can you not '' I say with my best sassy voce , but he ignores me , he keeps searching through my bag until he finally pulls out a white piece of paper with my bucket list scrawled over it , '' oh I get it, you aren't that boring after all , are you?'' Hudson laughs and continues to skim through my bucket list .

''ok fine I will do it '' he finally says ad grabs the wheel from me , '' do what? '' I say slightly confused , '' I will take you to the airport'' he answers and I mentally cheer , '' but ... I will only do it if you let me come with '' he says with a grin and I stop cheering , '' ok '' I answer after a moment of thinking , I glance at Hudson and he looks genuinely surprised , but he wipes that look off his face and grins with a glint in his eye that I new meant trouble.

When we pull into the Brisbane airport I tie up my honey blonde hair in a pony tail, I pulled down the sun visor from the roof of the car to check over my face, to make sure I was somewhat presentable, my eyes raked over my face, I cannot seem to take my state of my eyes in the reflection, they were a similar sea foam green to Hudson's, if not the same. ''you realise you have no ticket right" I say and now it is my turn to grin, "I can make it work '' he answers and I stop grinning. we walk up to my terminal and Hudson flashes the lady at the desk a stunning smile and leaned over her desk, "are you a parking meter?..because you have fine. Written all over you"he blushes and lets the both of us on the plane , '' were are we going again?'' Hudson says as we sit in our seats , '' northern Canada , for number 3 , then we will head over to America for numbers 1 and 2 '' I answer smiling with excitement .

As he plane takes off I fall in deep thought on what I am going to dye my hair colour too, maybe rainbow, nah or maybe different shades of blue, maybe I could go with something simple like silver I think maybe I might do that.

The Bucket ListTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon