23rd Chapter

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She woke up from the sudden rustle outside her apartment. But, she tossed around the bed, expecting to see his face.
But, he was currently turning his back on hers, sitting at the edge of the bed while clasping his hands together, lowering down his head.

"Are you okay?" She tapped his back, causing him to look at her. He beamed her a small smile, as she automatically smiled back. "Are you okay?" He asked back, which causes her to smile. She changed her position, in order to sit beside him. "Is there something bothering you?" He shook his head, "Nothing, I'm fine. Are you hungry?" , "I'll take a bath, first." She muttered awkwardly, walking to the bathroom.

He yawned from the early wake they both did. He actually felt guilty to had her handling everything. Whenever he sees her, he just couldn't move. She was the weakness of him. But, he just felt plain guilty for letting her beg for someone like him. He scratched at the back of his neck, heaving a deep sigh. He opened the screen of his phone, smiling at the sight of her picture as his wallpaper.

I won't let you go away that fast, Not now that I got you back.


"Are you not coming back to your house?" Sooyoung asked, tugging on his arm. He chuckled lightly, "Are you asking me to leave?" She scowled, "You're teasing me again." They were both busy releasing tensions from the happenings, as they blabber about things like they haven't spoke for year. When the truth is, it's only been few weeks.

"Our graduation is almost near." He mumbled, "I guess I'll drop from the honors." Sooyoung lightly laughed, clasping her arms to his. He look at her with worry, "Don't you have failing grades?" She shook her head, "I'll pass everything. But, being in the roll of honors is surely stressful." He laughed, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, "You've changed, Sooyoung. I remember when we first met, you even punch me repeatedly, retorting that finals are near." She glared at him, "Grades doesn't define you!", "But, it defines your responsibility." He received a slap on the arm, "You stress me too much, I have no time for worrying!" He laughed, patting her head. "Thanks for keeping up with me." She smiled back, knowing that he mean it.

He broke the eye-contact, and ran into somewhere. Her eyes confusely followed his direction, as he saw him running towards a man at his 50 years of age. Her eyebrows were knitted together, as if frustrated on the happening. But, her eyes soften when she saw him lifting few bags from the man.
She walked towards the scene, to realize that the man was complaining about how his wife wanted a lot of food.
"I'm sorry for the trouble, young man, My wife is really demanding." Sungjae stiffled a laugh, "It's fine, mister." Sooyoung suddenly budged inside the conversation, "Can I help, too?" The man was surprised to see her. "Is... she your girlfriend, young man?" Sungjae looked at Sooyoung proudly, before looking back the man. "Yes, she is." Both guys received a light giggle for Sooyoung, "Let's go, mister. Your wife must be waiting for you."

After a couple of minutes, they finally reached the man's home.
"You're so demanding." The man retorted as he gestured Sooyoung and Sungjae to both come in. The man's wife seemed to be in confusion when she saw the two come in.
"I'm really sorry for bothering the both of you. Please, have a seat." The man bowed down, causing the two young people to politely deny the offer. "It's fine, mister!" Sooyoung nudged, smiling.
Suddenly, the man's wife spoke in sinking realization, "Ah, both of you. Come and sit here, wait for me. I'll cook something for such good young kids." She smiled, gesturing the two to have a seat.
Sungjae looked upon Sooyoung, as if telling her they had no choice.

They both sat down in silence. As the man stared at them, in amusement. "You two seem to be together for a long time. Am I right?" He smiled. Sooyoung lightly laughed at the question, while Sungjae nodded. "We're just off to buy something at the convenience store, good thing we saw you." The man smiled, "You're right, you're right."

"Jang, help me with the vegetables!" His wife retorted from the kitchen. "Can I help?" Sooyoung lifted her hand politely, as if trying to call on a teacher in a recitation. Sungjae laughed at her cute gesture, patting her back to go on. "Are you sure, young lady?" The man known as Jang, asked. "Yes!" She excitedly replied, going for the kitchen. In surprise, Jang's wife warmly welcomed her like their own kid.

"She's pretty, right?" Sungjae proudly laughed, causing Jang to laugh along with him. "You seem so proud about your wife, and yes. You're also a handsome young man. Is that why you got her?" He laughed. "Not really, fate just happens." Sungjae looked through the kitchen to Sooyoung with adoring smile plastered on his face.
"Then if both of you are pretty, your child will be pretty, too." Jang replied, causing Sungjae to blush in the sudden statement. Regaining his composure he replied with a chuckle, "You're right."

"What is both of your name, by the way?", "Us? She's Park Sooyoung. And, I am Yook Sungjae."

Silence filled the living room, causing a confusion to the younger man. "Is there something wrong, Mister?" Jang shook his head, smiling. "The name seems familiar. But, what can I say? Pretty names, with pretty faces."

"Lunch is ready!"


"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. And Mrs. Jang!" They both bowed down to the people infront of them. "It's nothing. Having both lovely teenagers in our home feels like having two perfect kids. Take care on your way home, okay?" Mrs. Jang smiled.

Two of them finally left.

"She grew up so well." Jang muttered, closing the door. "Your daughter seems to be as beautiful as Sohyun." Mrs. Jang smiled. "Does she know?" She added.

Jang shook his head in response, "It's better to see her knowing I'm gone. She seems to be better than before, I'm okay with that."

"Sooyoung, I'll be going back at mom's house." She confusely raised her gaze at him, "Why?"

He smiled, "I'm not leaving. I just have something to do. Okay?"


"He's not coming home, you idiot." Yeri's father spoke, as he saw his wife sitting blankly at the living room.

She didn't even flinch at his words. And, it frustrated him. "What is it now, Kim?" 
She shook her head, lifelessly.

The door suddenly flung, causing them to flinch at the noise. "Sungjae!" His mother jolted up to stand.

Sungjae replied with a sigh in defeat, with his eyes closed.

He took her hand, as he knelt down,

"Please, give me a chance to be with her."


A/N: So, I've been constantly flooding you all with updates, and I'm sorry for that. XD I just can't wait to start my new story! So, I've been reading the comments. And, thank you for giving your different side of opinions for the story. I'll be updating tomorrow or who knows, Love lots! x

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