16th Chapter

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"Wow, the youngest play boy is chickening out because of a nerd!"

Sungjae glared at his friends who were busy watching a horror film in his apartment. "You easily say those three words in order to melt girls! What happened?" Ilhoon chuckled as he intentionally poked on his arm, teasing him. He hissed, yanking Ilhoon's arms away. "Stop it. I mean, it's not easy! I mean, I'm... Whatever!" He groaned in frustration, shoving a mouthful popcorn inside his mouth. "From the way you talk about last night, she seems to anticipate you from saying that. That seems so gay, taking things like that." Minhyuk muttered drinking a can of beer beside the sofa. "Just throw her in the bed!" Changsub laughed as he received a punch from Peniel, who was telling him it wasn't right. Sungjae observed his friends who was like the old them. But, boy. He did change a lot.
Eunkwang was busy observing the boys until he spoke, "Sungjae. Did you know what you're doing?" Everyone looks at him questionably. "Eunkwang, she wouldn't know. Right?" Sungjae thoroughly asked, as Eunkwang sighed in frustration. "You should clear things out. Based on what Yeri said, it should be true enough." He mumbled.

Sungjae lowered his head. Remembering the past scenes that happened before this,

"Sungjae." Yeri spoke in a low voice as she took a sip from her cup of coffee. "What is it?" He asked, bluntly. Avoiding to look at his younger sister. "You know my point, right? I've already saw that you and Sooyoung are already in a serious relationship. The question is, can she handle this family chaos?" She raised an eyebrow, as if finding a hole in order to let those two separate. Sungjae sighed deeply, rolling his eyes, before he licked his dry lips. "Our family is already in chaos. It's because of our company. Right? Well, I'll make sure I'll avoid her from entering our family problems. She shouldn't be included in that, leave her alone." He clasped his hands together, as if daring Yeri to even touch Sooyoung. "That's shit, Sungjae. You know that you're already included, and if she even marries you- both of you would produce a scandal in New York and Korea. How can both of you be married when your sister's father is an ex-boyfriend of your girlfriend's mother?" She exclaimed, emphasizing the situation. "The past is in the past. This is the problem when the company is big, it's always at risk! Now, I'm telling you. If the day comes and both of you hinders between our relationship, I'll make sure to disappear at your sight." He pointed-out, standing up.

"Mom is going here in Korea, in a week. Make sure to be ready! Got it?" Yeri yelled.

He hissed at the thought, he knew that their mom is obsessed with his step-father. He knew it, too well. "Sungjae." Eunkwang spoke, having a tap on his shoulder. "I know, hyung."

"I know." He sighed deeply. Knowing where the conversation would go.
"But, I won't break it. I'd save it." He muttered standing up before going outside. The other members decided to let him slide this time. Probably, he needs a time for his self.

On the other side, Sungjae was walking outside his house through the side walk. His hand reached down for his phone in the pocket, dialing a certain number. His expression changed, when the certain receiver spoke, "are you at school?" He softly spoke, "yes, I am. Where are you?" It's Sooyoung. His lips softly formed a small smile, as he responded, "I can't go. I'll pick you up later.", "Are you fine?", "Why won't I be?" His left eye suddenly twitched, when he remembered that he didn't even confessed last night. "I see, I'll see you later." He was about to say something, but she already hanged up.

"It's either him or you. Just do it!" Irene exclaimed slamming her hands repeatedly on the desk. Sooyoung bit her lips as she tapped her fingers in the desk, gently. "But, my father told me that I shouldn't be the first to say those words." Irene heaved a deep sigh, "You can't stay like that, forever! You're driving me nuts." She cried, taking a bite from her sandwich. "You do know that he wants to confess, right?" Irene added as she waved her hands infront of her face. Sooyoung shook her head, "No. I'm not sure. He just suddenly blurted out my name then tell me he's hungry. It's confusing, cause he seems nervous." She groaned in frustration, "I can't seem to figure him out." Irene smiled at her best friend's expression. She really is in love. "Well, it doesn't really matter if you're a guy or girl. What matters is your feelings. If you felt that way, tell them. Tell them before it's too late. Ever since both of you been into a trending issue at our campus, boys seems to hover to you after realizing your beauty." She winked, causing Sooyoung to blush in response. "I'm honest, I'm just saying both of you needed to take it now or never, you might hurt yourself if you turned out late."

Sooyoung bit her lower lip roughly, "I don't know.", "You should know when to, Sooyoung."


He drove to the school campus, carefully. Parking his car, he awkwardly went out. Obviously dazed and confused. "Should I or shouldn't I?" He whispered to his self as he continously walk through the campus until he reacher her room. "C'mon, Sungjae! You're better than this." He hissed to his self, "I love you." He breathed to his self, "I can do it. Why can't I?" He groaned in frustration, realizing that he was jumbling his sentences. "I need to do this." He pumped his fist in the air. "You can!" He yelled softly lifting his gaze up in the sky.

"You can do what?" A voice snapped his train of thoughts, as he awkwardly stood formally, realizing it was Sooyoung. "Hey." He all of a sudden regained his composure, "You're early than usual. Anything you have to say?" She awkwardly asked as they walked to his car.
This is the first time they both had tension in having eachother's company. "Sooyoung.", "Sungjae." They both said in unison, making eachother back up a little. "What?" Once again, they both asked in unison. "I'm..." She trailed off, twirling her fingers. "Go on." He muttered awkwardly, trying to lessen up the situation's problem.
"Is there a problem between us?" She asked, as they walked together inside the car.

"Huh, problem? There isn't." He replied bluntly, starting the engine. She nodded in stiff motion, as if misunderstanding the situation. He cursed inside his self as he realized that he sounded way too harsh. "I see." She sighed deeply, twirling her little fingers before clasping them. She tried to avoid the tears falling down from her eyes. I've saw this. I've saw this before, this is the moment where the character would bluntly reject or break up with a girl. I was supposed to confess, why aren't things going in my way? She surpressed the tears from her eyes, avoiding him. He didn't notice the sudden change of atmosphere, since he was so busy trying to vent out those little three words. 

The whole journey to her home was rather awkward, as if they are both strangers to each other. "We're here." She mumbled drawing invisible circles on her palm. He gazed over her face that seems more beautiful since the little light hits her face.
Rain started to fall second by second, as she sighed deeply, absent-mindedly opening his car. "I'm going, thank you." She replied, coldly.

"Hey, the rain is falling continously!" He yelled slamming the door in his car, as rain started to soak both on their uniforms. She turned back to him, as her eyes were filled with intensified gaze. It suddenly took him back. "What do you want?" She yelled in instance, her eyes were suddenly piling up tears filled with hatred and uncontentment, What am I doing?  The tears seemed invisible because of the rain soaking deeply inside their clothes and face. "You might catch a cold." He tried to reply cooly, completely confused at her sudden change of mood. He ran closer to her as if taking off his blazer to wore into her. She yanked his arm off, which completely caught him off-guard. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" He yelled out of nowhere. "Am I the one who was supposed to ask you? What are you doing, why are you doing this!?" She yelled as tears unknowingly fell from her beautiful hazel eyes.

"Because I'm fucking inlove with you!" He retorted, as her lips were left slightly apart, with an shocked gaze. "For fuck's sake, Sooyoung! I'm falling for you!"

She couldn't respond. She saw the honesty inside his eyes, even those lips that betrays others, were unbelievably true for this time in the specific moment. She saw the way his expressions change. Despite of the night, she could clearly see the visible stain of red in his ears and cheeks. She saw the way he shocked his self from the sudden outburst of confession. Everything, at this moment felt beautiful.

He sighed deeply, running his fingers through his wet hair. "I've said it.  I've fell for some-" his words from his lips were suddenly covered with her reddish lips. Pressing it deeply, as the rain soaked down to their hair, face and clothes. She tiptoed, trying to reach for his height. Before she pulled away, leaving a smile of contentment.

Without any reason, he knew he liked that signal of smile.

A/N: Tadah! Finally, the confession happens. Are your hearts finally satisfied? Nope, not yet! This is not the end. So, before I move on to another chapter- I'd like to tell the readers that, I'll be starting up another SungJoy Fanfic in order to satisfy our fangirling hearts. T^T  So, don't worry! After this Fanfic, I'll be starting another one. The teaser would be out at the ending chapter. ;) Sooooo, I'll be updating again soon as fast as I could. Love lots to everyone, have a good day! x

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