7th Chapter

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"Why are you late, miss?" A voice refrained on her head as chills went down to her spine when she sneaked inside the classroom.

"Please forgive me, Ms. Han. It won't happen again." Sooyoung bowed down. Ms. Han raised an eyebrow at her as she motioned her to sit down.
"From the moment she knew that you and Sungjae were dating, she's been acting bitchy." A voice from nowhere spoke.
She turned her head to found the same guy that borrowed her notes. And, it was the same guy who was caught into a fight with her boyfriend.
She tilted her head and averted her gaze with his as she sighed. Something is up, for sure.

"Sooyoung." He spoke once again. "Sungwan, please stop bothering me." She retorted. The guy know as Sungwan as he scoffed, sitting back at his seat.

Classes have been dismissed. And it's already their break time.  "Sooyoung, are you fine?" Wendy suddenly asked as she waved her hand infront of her. "I'm fine. Just curious about certain things." Wendy looked suspiciously at her as she decided to let her have an alone time. "I'll be going to the Student Council's room. Should I leave you here?" Sooyoung responded with a nod as Wendy heaved a sigh, leaving.

Sooyoung sighed, too. She stood up and decided to go in the bathroom. "Sooyoung." A voice crept up from behind.
It was Sungwan, who aggressively pushed her in the wall. Her eyes widen all of a sudden when his lips suddenly attacked her neck, making her flustered and horrified at the same time. Her voice was obviously betraying her. As if restraining her from begging help. Tears suddenly formed in her eyes as she tried to talk and push him away. "Did you see what mess Sungjae have put you?" He whispered on her ear. She scowled in disgust, while tears are frustratingly falling from her eyes. She was trying to push him off, but she couldn't.  As if on cue, someone pulled Sungwan away from Sooyoung. Making him fall on the floor. Sooyoung, with widen eyes darted her eyes to the one who saved her.

"Hyunsik." She tried to speak, but no words were produced on her mouth. Hyunsik pushed Sungwan, as he aimed for a punch. "What the fuck are you doing!?" He yelled as Sungwan started running away, leaving Hyunsik panting. While, Sooyoung was standing in fear, wrapping her limp arms around her body, while tears continue to stream on her face. She was supposed to lose her balance, until Hyunsik pulled her gently. She flinched at his action, but Hyunsik spoke, "It's me, Hyunsik." He spoke as her lips trembled.  He wrapped his arms around her shoulder, as he let her cry it out. "P...please. Do-don't tell h...him." she tried to speak. Hyunsik's fist started to clench as he sighed deeply. "I can't. He would-",

"Don't tell me what?" Sungjae spoke as he ran to them, panicking on what happened to Sooyoung.

With a horrified and surprised face, Hyunsik and Sooyoung looked at eachother. Hyunsik, slowly released Sooyoung. But still in hold of her arms to avoid her from losing balance. "Sungjae." Hyunsik spoke. "Don't." Sooyoung pleaded as she catched her breathe. Sungjae's eyes narrowed as he grabbed Hyunsik's arm, "Tell me, what!?"

"Fucking Sungwan molested her!" He spoke aggressively. Making Sooyoung flinch, and hurriedly grabbing Hyunsik's arms. As if asking on why he did that. Sungjae scoffed roughly, as his expressions darken, along with his eyes. Even his fist and jaw, clenches. "Where is he." He muttered as he stepped out from the tiles. Until, Sooyoung ran to his arms, avoiding him to move. "Move, Sooyoung." Sungjae gently moved her away from him. "Sungjae, please!" She yelled roughly grabbing his arm. "I can't!" He yelled back yanking her arm away. She shook her head, "Let him pass." Hyunsik, and Sungjae looked at eachother. Then, Sungjae darted his eyes on the girl grabbing his arm. "Sooyoung." He sighed in frustration, hugging her tight.

"I'm sorry." He softly spoke as he patted her head, wrapping his other arm on her waist. Sooyoung sobbed on his shoulder as she shook her head, restraining herself from talking. She never understands why she could only relax on his arms, and never on the others. The way he hugged her, and the way he rest his cheek on her temple. And from the way he whispered soft things on her, makes her relax and feel safe.
He cursed inwardly, as if blaming his self on why this happened to Sooyoung. He wanted to crush Sungwan's skull and throw it to the starving dogs.

She sniffed, as she pulled away. He looked directly at her. She looks beautiful even when she cries. "I'm sorry." She sniffed. He knitted his eyebrows together as he asked, "Why should you be sorry? I'm the one..." He was supposed to speak. But, he trailed off. "Let's get an early dismissal slip." He muttered as he patted her head. "I'm fine." She insisted. "I can't let you stay in a room with that maniac. Come on, I'll send you home. "


She was leaning on the car's window frame as she observed the silence inside the car. He kept on darting his head to look over her, she was obviously sleepy. "Sooyoung, you could sleep. I'm taking you home." She smiled weakly, "I'm okay." He shrugged, "Come on. I'll be fine, don't worry." She beamed another weak smile, now looking at him. "Okay, okay."

Time passed by. He carefully pulled off stopping at her house.
He opened the car door, seeing her illuminating sleepy face. He smiled at the sudden resemblance of an innocent angel with her face. He slowly carried her bridal style to avoid her from waking up. When he had reached her door, he rummaged through her pockets to get her keys.

Upon opening the house's door; he placed her at the nearby couch. She groaned, as she tossed around the couch. He chuckled lightly at her unusual cuteness. Then, suddenly his thoughts went back to what happened lately. He was determined to make him pay back, no matter what happens. He sunk down at the couch she was lying, into. As he thought for a moment, while staring at her beautiful face.  He couldn't process what he was trying to do. He watched her slowly wake up as she sat, rubbing her closed eyes. He never realized how close their faces were, once again. And it made him flustered, even his heart was rapidly beating fast. What is this feeling?

She trailed her eyes down to his whole face. His eyes, nose, and even lips. Her face tingled with pink as she tried to regain her composure. She haven't slept completely. She just wanted him to stay. She doesn't even know why. Without any further reason, her eyelids were slowly fluttering down as he leaned closer to her, actually pressing his lips on hers.

She tilted her head in order to give him more access. He didn't knew what was happening. But, it was the first time someone made his heart sore and beat in a rapid motion, like it would explode in any time. His hands, traveled down to the nape on her neck as he deepened the kiss. While she slowly grips on his shirt as if giving him permission, too. She felt like her face was going to burst out, in any minute. He pulled away slowly, as he looked directly into her eyes. She tried to maintain the eye-contact, but he suddenly removed his gaze away from hers.

She tugged on his shirt, gesturing him to look. "You should rest now." He muttered.
Sooyoung flashed a smile, adoring his child-like shyness. But, she was scared that he might do something. She didn't want to wake up, and find him gone again.

Day by day, she's feeling incomplete whenever she would think of that.
Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he felt his lips pecked on her forehead. Her big doe eyes gazed upon him, as he smiled. "Don't worry about me." His mouth was reassuring her, but his eyes were betraying him.

She sighed.

I'm not aware of what's happening.

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