4th Chapter

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"How many times do I have to lecture you, Mr. Yook!?" The teacher slammed its hand onto the wooden desk.

They were now currently inside the Guidance office. He was caught inside another chaos this morning.
Sungjae responded with a wide grin, clenching his damaged fists. "He pissed me off, what do I need to do?" He smugly replied. Peniel suddenly nudged his shoulder, as if reminding him he wasn't supposed to answer informally. The guidance counselor sended glares to the group of students sitting in front of them.

"What? How come our group is only punished? Do you have anything against us?" Sungjae snapped as he kicked below the desk. He received another smack from Peniel, "We're deeply sorry for our mistake, Ms. Han." He bowed as Ms. Han acknowledges Peniel's kindness.

Sungjae responded with a scoff as Changsub and the rest scratched the back of their heads. Damn you, Sungjae!

The sudden tension in the room was interrupted when a knock was heard. "Come in." The guidance counselor spoke as the door opened. That's when the smug grin of Sungjae appeared, once again. "Ms. Park. Have you finished what I told you?"

Sooyoung awkwardly averted her eyes from the group inside the room as she turned to the counselor while nodding, instantly turning away. "So, you won't talk to me?" Sungjae asked her. Sooyoung pretended that she haven't heard him talk. "Ms. Park." That send chills down her spine. She turned around to see the counselor and Ms. Han intensifying the stare on her. What have you done, Park? "Yes?" She tried to avoid the lump on her throat. "Are you in a relationship?" Her eyes widen. As her eyes landed on the group, then to Sungjae, then lastly to the counselor and her adviser. "To be-", "She is." Sungjae roughly spoke as the attention was brought to him.

"She's in a relationship with me."

She groaned deeply as she closed the door from the guidance office.

I am deeply disappointed with your choice of relationship, Ms. Park.

What's with the relationship? He'll ruin your future, Sooyoung.

Those words keeps on playing inside her head. She was in between danger and winning. Why should she be scared, though?
"It's not like I would fall for him." She mumbled to herself, walking away from the room.

Sungjae sniffed and rubbed below of his nose as they walked out from the office. "Those fuckers keep saying the worst about me. Seems like they have a grudge against me." He rolled his eyes walking along outside the room with his friends. "Cause you're rude, that's why." Eunkwang spoke as he level on the younger friend's speed of walking. "Well, they assume on stupid things. Why should we be detentioned? That guy was the first to send signal to me. I just punched him, what's so wrong with that?", "Well," Ilhoon imitated the way he talk, "The way you punched him could crush a skull. Moron!" He retorted while they reached the school's bench.
Sungjae sat first as he heaved a deep sigh, "Did you see the way she reacted?" Changsub responded with a simple nod as the others snickered, "Probably the thing between you and that nerd would be over. You know nerds listen to their teachers." Minhyuk muttered as he puffed a cigarette. "I thought that, too. From the way she responded, seems like she was already ready to run away from me." Sungjae stiffled a laugh as he narrowed his eyes upon looking up in the sky, "But, I'd still ruin her feelings first." Peniel look at him with pity, "You're pathetic, Yook Sungjae. What did she do to you?",

"Well, I really hate the way she encountered me. Just wanted to bring back my pride by making her fall for me. Then, suddenly breaking her.",
"You really don't know what you're doing. You know that she would suffer, right? She doesn't even know how to kiss for fuck's sake." Eunkwang muttered.
"Or, are you being interested that's why you can't let her go?" Ilhoon spoke, showing a mischevious grin. Sungjae laughed, "Me? Being interested to that girl? No way." He stood up as he started to walk back to his classroom, gesturing his friends that they'll talk later.

He was silently walking back to his room when he saw Sooyoung talking with a certain guy. His eyes narrowed, but then he smirked. He walked casually as he grabbed the guy's arm. Sooyoung suddenly flinched at the situation as the guy was flustered as well. "What are you doing with my girl?" He was assuming Sooyoung to respond with a blush. But, what surprised him is that she just scoffed and grab the guy's arm, "Piss off, Sungjae." He laughed letting the guy's arm go, "But, what's the deal? You're in a relationship with me. Are you having affair with others?" The guy suddenly cleared his throat and spoke, "Look, I was just asking for some notes. If she's interested in me-", "Excuse me!?" Sooyoung flinched at his statement. Without any realization, a pang on Sungjae's nerves started to eat his temper. "Do you consider yourself as one like me?" Sungjae scoffed grabbing the guy's collar. Sooyoung heaved a frustrated sigh as she grabbed Sungjae's arm, "Stop it." Sungjae was about to let go when he suddenly received a punch from the mysterious guy. Causing both of their eyes to widen. "Why you-" he was about to send another punch, when the other students avoided them to reach for eachother.

He didn't even realized there was someone avoiding him to land a punch. It was Sooyoung who was in embrace with him, as if blocking her body to avoid the fight to be worst.
"Can't you live a day without getting into a fight!?" Sooyoung retorted, while unintentionally getting everyone's attention by her sudden raise of voice.
He was stunned by her statement, when he heard others spoke

How come a nerd can become a bully's girl?
She sure is acting for being bullied.
Well, behind those glasses is a pretty face.
Don't doubt it.

Sooyoung heard their voices, too. But, she decided to avoid it. Her eyes were almost betraying her that she could feel hot liquid forming at the edge of her eyes. Don't cry, Sooyoung. Don't make yourself appear pathetic.

Sungjae noticed the hot and transparent liquid that was forming in her big eyes. He suddenly felt the need to drag her away from the situation. He pulled her aside as they started to walk to the clinic.
"Are you hurt?" He suddenly asked.
Sooyoung kept her head down as she shook her head.

He tched. "You're pathetic. The crowd probably pushed you aside since you were walking limply. Let's go to the clinic.", "I'm fine. You're probably the one in need of medicine. The right side of your lips is bleeding." She forced herself to talk as they sat on the clinic's chair.

"Irresponsible staffs should be fired. The tuition payed here is probably not worth it." Sooyoung spoke as he rummaged through the cabinet's in order to find the first-aid kit. "You're fucking weak." Sungjae suddenly spoke as he grabbed her arm trapping her to a wall. She averted her eyes from him as she spoke, "W... What do you mean?", "I saw the way you let people judge you. You should fucking kick them in the guts, or even slap those bitches in the face. Do what pleases you. They're dragging you down!" He hissed. He doesn't know. From seeing the way people push her aside, he saw his old self. The way he lets his father judge him for being a weak person. For people calling him gay when he was younger, he felt the need to scold this young lady infront of him. He remembers his past, and a part of him doesn't want it to happen to her. He knew she was kind enough to even feel those things.

She suddenly lifted her gaze to meet his eyes, "You don't use violence just to prove you're strong." She smiled weakly, as she let her hands fall limply on his arm.
Shots were suddenly fired to him. But also, shots were suddenly pushing him to be mad at her. "You don't get it, at all!" He almost shouted at her.

Her eyes widen from his sudden raise of voice. "You don't see yourself in other's perspective, moron. You look like a fucking ghost being joked about. When the truth is you can amaze and scare them at the same time. You look fucking idiotic when you can't bring out the best in you." She stood at her tracks, finally processing what he was saying. She slowly nodded, "Don't look at me as your responsibility. We both know this is nothing. I'm fine, I swear." She bit her lips as he saw his eyes soften. He nodded his head as he turned away, "Yeah, You're right." She sighed before grabbing his arm, making him turn to her. "I should treat your bruises." She mumbled.
He questionably raised his eyebrow at her. This has never happened to any girl I had. "You should answer me. I'm being embarassed here." He beamed her a smile as he nodded.

I should restrain myself in being amused by your presence.

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