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The chunin exams! They are right around the corner. It reminds you of your younger days, back when you were taking the exams yourself. Back when you met him, Kankuro of the sand. He's a little cocky and hard headed, but he's very protective of his siblings. You saw that as true leadership. You really liked Kankuro from when you first met him. He was standing beside you while everyone was getting prepared to battle. He looked over at you and smirked. You looked up at him and blushed a bit. He turn his shoulder against you and faced you. Yes, he started flirting with you.


"So uh... You live here in the Leaf?" He asked

"Yeah, I guess I do. Heh." You pointed at your headband. "I see you're from the Sand."

"Heh sure am." He smirked. "So uh what's your name?"

"Uh i-it's [Name]. What's yours?" You asked him.

"It's Kankuro. You wanna know something? You're cute when you stutter. Haha." He laughed scratching his head underneath his long headband.

"W-what?! No I'm not!" You cringed and blushed deeply.

"Haha even cuter when you blush." He laughed. He had a slight tint on his own face behind his paint.

"Okay tough guy. What's that on your own face, huh!" You pouted and pointed at him.

"U-uh that's nothing, just a bit of smeared paint that's all." He blushed a little bit more.

"Haha looks like I made you stutter and blush. How funny!" You burst out laughing.

-Flashback End-

Those were the good days. I can't believe it's been about 4 years now. You were amazed at how times flies so quickly.

Even though you live in the Leaf, you often go to the Sand to assist in transport for Temari. She can handle herself, but she wanted a friend to travel with. Plus you get to see Kankuro. You guys were just about to leave the Sand village and start heading for the Leaf. You're both working with Shikamaru on the chunin exams.

You were sitting outside of Temari's room, waiting for her to get ready to leave. She is never this slow. I think she may have an interest in Shikamaru. Who cares she'd never admit it.

"Temari are you almost done?!" You yelled, banging on the door.

"Almost!" She yelled back.

"Ugh you take too long." You mumbled under your breath.

You sat down outside her room again. Kankuro's room was around the other side, and the Kazekages room was at the back. Where the office was at the front of the building. (Okay so they live in the Kazekages tower thingy.)

"Hey what's all the racket about? Why are you banging on her door?" Kankuro walked out of his room and approached you.

"She's taking forever. She just wants to make sure she looks good for a certain someone." You tell him, progressively getting louder towards the end of your sentence so Temari can hear you on the other side.

"NOT TRUE!" You hear Temari yell from the closed door.

"Ahh I see. That can be really annoying. So... You wanna walk around the village before you go, since Temari is taking forever?" He offered, scratching his head.

"Sure!" You took his offer.

"You two have fun!" Temari yelled from inside her room. "But not too much!" She laughed.

You both furiously blushed, looking at each other.

"U-uh let's go." Kankuro hurried down the stairs.

"Right." You followed him.

You both were outside and sweat drops were streaming for the both of you. It wasn't from the blazing sun either.

"I'm sorry about Temari." Kankuro chuckled.

"You know it's cool. I've been around her so much these past months I haven't noticed it." You replied.

"Yeah." He smiled.

After a couple minutes of silence. You took a deep breath.

"This is so nice." You smiled and placed your hands behind your head, intertwined your fingers, and closing you eyes.

"It sure is." Kankuro smiled.

You two were walking pretty closely. Kankuro's hand was aching to hold your small hand. He really enjoyed the time he spent with you. Things would have been much harder if you weren't around, and he thanks you all the time.

After a stroll around the village you both make it to the front agree where Temari was waiting.

"Well, well it looks like you finally showed up." She seemed annoyed.

"It's not my fault you were taking forever." You had an anime vein popping out of your head.

"It doesn't matter let's get going." She ordered.

"Alright!" You nodded your head.

You stood in front of Kankuro. You turned around to face him. You were so far apart

"I'll see you later." He smiled

"Yeah I'll see you later." You smiled back.

He pulled you into a hug. You squeezed tightly and so did he.

I love you Kankuro.

He released you from the warm embrace. You looked up at him and said your final goodbyes before you were off.

"Hey you two be safe!" He yelled as you were passing through the gate.

You looked back and yelled, "Thanks we will!" While waving goodbye.

Oh boy a Kankuro story!

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