Chapter 18: My Heart Will Go On

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"Why do you think I'm moody?" I asked not taking my eyes off of the road,

"Because you have that pouty face" he said, I smiled, but didn't bite.

I found the Titanic Belfast and the underground carpark where we'd just parked up,

"The car park is a rip off" Noah said once he'd come back to the car, "£1.50 for the first hour and then £1 thereafter"

"That's actually not as bad as it could be" Angelo said,

"Well I still think it's a lot of money"

"I really did bring you up right didn't I" I said, he winked,

"You did alright"


"That looks awesome" Noah said as we stood outside the building,

"Well let's hope inside is just as awesome" Tayte said. The place was buzzing with people and a flurry of languages met your ears. We showed our tickets and sorted out entrance and were told about the SS Nomadic which our tickets also entitled us to visit.

"Well, where to start?" I said,

"It has 9 interactive galleries, so I guess we start at the first one we get too" Angelo suggested.

"So this is before the Titanic was built and the lead up to building it right?" Tayte asked,

"That's what it says, Boomtown Belfast" I replied. We read the stories, looked at pictures and played with the interactive boards, it was all very interesting.

"Why's it in black and white?" Noah asked,

"That better not be a genuine question" I warned, he looked at me,

"" He said, I smiled. "Oh My God, we so have to go on this ride, we've just read about the building or pre building of the Titanic and now we get to explore how they actually built it" He then said happily,

"Well, we aren't exactly going to pass the opportunity, we aren't likely to come again" I said, amused how he'd completely changed topic. We got in the queue which was actually very long,

"It seems as if we're going to be here a while" Tayte said,

"Shall I make a scene and get us to the front?" He asked,

"No scenes babe" Angelo told him, he pouted at us and then gave a smile,

"Don't you dare, I know that look" I warned him, "I mean it," he grinned and went to shout something, when I grabbed him, and put my hand over his mouth.

"Keane" He mumbled laughing, I let go,

"Do I have to do that again?" I asked, he giggled,

"No, I won't make a scene, I promise"

It turns out the queue went quicker than we thought. There was 6 to a ship, but the four of us were by ourselves, Noah wanted to sit at the top of the half ship, so Tayte and I sat at the bottom half as it began moving and telling us about the building of the Titanic,

"This is so cool" Noah said. It was dark, perhaps too dark, but the mechanical aspect and props were effective, as was the screens with the videos of men hacking and whacking away at bits of the ship. "It actually looks like they're there now"

"Imagine actually building this ship back then, all hands on with none of the machinery like we have now" Tayte said,

"I bet the conditions were awful, but they made a beautiful ship that had a tragic end" Angelo said.

Beneath The Skies (Book 3 of Running Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin