That horrid feeling

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It was the day of Yuya's duel and everyone was excited including Yuya "I'll teach him my way of dueling" Yuya stated with determination as everyone nods wishing Yuya luck. You were still regretting what you did to Shun yesterday causing you to say sorry to him multiple times. Yuya felt the same freezing, burning sensation he felt when he saw you cry yesterday. But why? He looked at your pendant seeing how the sun had reflected beautiful colored lights on your shirt "hey Yuya you ready for this?" Yuzu asked with her fists up. Yuya smiled and answered as happily as ever "YEAH!" He looked at you seeing you had a smile on your face.

Yuya got down to the stadium as so did his opponent named Isao Kachidoki with had harmed Yaiba Todo, his last opponent. You had to admit you were quite worried for your friend. The duel had started as all eyes were on Yuya and Kachidoki, cheering was heard when one had manage to attack the other or when one deflected the other's attack, Yuya ran to a bamboo stick to get an action card but was blocked by Kachidoki "YUYA!!" the students of You Show gasp seeing their friend had been attacked......physically. Yuya got up and ran to another action card. To late. Every time he would try to get an action card Kachidoki blocked him or stole it from him, everyone had gotten a little aggravated by Kachidoki's actions.

(Name) glared at the man with purple hair but soften when she heard that the duelists that wanted to become pros.... They couldn't see their families until they did become pros "that's so terrible" you muttered. Yuzu gasped catching your attention, you looked to where she was looking as her eyes widen. Yuya was on the ground and Kachidoki had stolen his card. All of a sudden the atmosphere changed into one of darkness, the skies got darker and everyone in the stadium had gotten tense. And (name) had a horrid feeling that something was wrong with the people in the stadium.

Everyone kept their eyes on the staduim "my turn. DRAW!" Yuya was on his feet but his eyes became a crimson red and his hair stool up a bit. Yuya summoned two level four monsters onto his field "NOW I BUILD THE OVERLAY NETWORK AND SUMMON.....DARK REBELLION XYZ DRAGON!!!" Your eyes started to water as they were filled with shock, confusion, and hurt. Why did Yuya have Yuto's Dark Rebellion?? Shun was also curious but at the same time he was angry (he's always angry). Tears fell down your face and Yuzu noticed this 'of course. YUTO!!' Yuzu screamed in her head with realization. Yuzu hugged you and rubbed your back telling you that everything would be ok but all you could do was cry silently.

Yuya had sent Dark Rebellion XYZ Dargon to attack Kachidoki, making his life points 0. The crowd didn't cheer, no one smiled, Yuya had come back to his senses. Shuzo clapped his hands saying "g-good job Yuya" but no one else, Yuya went to Kachidoki's side and reached out to him but Kachidoki slapped his hand away. Yuya was shocked as he went up the stairs to meet with you guys with a frown on his face asking what had happened "you won and that's it" (name) said walking off but Yuya noticed the dry tears that ran down her face. The sky cleared and You Show had left the stadium. (Name) had ran to the alley between Yuto and- no. Shun's hideout placing your back against the metal wall and slid down as tears slid down your face "why does this have to happen?" Feeling a hand on your shoulder you slightly jumped and look up to see that it was only Shun "are you ok?" He asked sitting down besides you as you replied "no I'm not. Why does he have Yuto's card?" Shun didn't know the answer since he as well was curious.
Shun handed you Yuto's deck "why are you giving me this?" You were quite confused as to why he handed you Yuto's deck "isn't it obvious? I want to give this to you to use" you mentally facepalmed telling yourself how dumb you are.

Thanking Shun you both stand up and Shun patted you on your head telling you to be safe around the Fusion Soilders if they were around. Nodding you both ran around the city since you wanted to look for any clues about Ruri. Shun sighed jumped on a roof "there's so many questions to ask and so little time" he muttered, Shun was quite a kind person when it came to his friends when they are hurt and right now he was going to be there for you like how you were there for him when Ruri had been captured. Shun didn't like seeing you upset because he was so used to seeing you smile and positive but since the war you have smiled a little less.

The relationship between you and Shun was a brotherly and sisterly one. That everyone knew, right now you were in your cloak and goggles as you were in the shadows following some Fusion Soliders. It was a big risk but it was worth it "I hear that they're going to send Yuri next" one said "yeah me to. Man, Yuri is going to trash the place" you held your hand to your mouth so no sound would come out. Quickly running off you see that Yuya was right across the street, in a panic you didn't move then he spotted you "(name)?" He walked towards you after looking both ways. "(Name) what are you doing here?" Sighing, you told him that you were looking for any clues about Ruri. Asking Yuya if he saw or heard something mysterious you took off your goggles "sorry but no" he answers and you nod in understanding.

Walking off again you say goodbye to Yuya and put back on your goggles and run off. "Good luck!" Yuya shouts and once again you nod, hopefully you'll fund something and ease this still horrid feeling.

Hello my tables I hope u like this chapter. Sorry I've been so inactive. Well u know what's going on.
Always remember:
Always flip tables
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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