What he knows

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The alarm that was sitting on your nightstand ringed as it echoed in your room, opening your eyes you feel them in pain as you bring your hand up to rub them. Sitting up and noticing your oh so familiar outfit, you turn off the alarm and head to take a shower after seeing that you had 5 hours to get ready. Plenty of time to think. Looking at yourself in the mirrior you notice that your eyes were red from the tears.

You turn on the shower as you stripped off the dirty clothes in waiting, stepping in the warm water you looked at Yuto's goggles in your hands. Tears started to form as memories of last night returned to your mind, tears streamed down your face while you scrubbed the (fave scent) soap on your thin figure and hair. The water washed away the suds within a few minutes. Stepping out you dried off your body putting on your undergarments on first, then your black tank top, your black vans, leggings, and Attack on Titan jacket. Taking your phone you walked outside and headed to Yuto and Shun. No. Shun's hideout.

Shun was sitting on the ground looking at the clouds until he noticed a shadow above him "hi Shun" the voice was sad, Shun turned around seeing you "(name)? Are you ok?" Shun looked around and asked a question you dread "where's Yuto?" Tears started to form again as Shun pulled you in for a hug noticing them "YUTO'S GONE!!! HE WAS DUELING AND HE LOST! THE DUESLIST HE WAS DUELING AIMED AN ATTACK ON ME AND YUYA! YUTO SAVED US!! YUTO GOT HURT AND NOW HE'S GONE!!" You were shouting and sobbing on Shun's chest but he didn't care. He only cared about Yuto's disappearance "its ok" Shun tried his best to sooth you but as you kept sobbing he heard with every word you said that it was no lie. Yuto was gone. You felt Shun rub your back "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW! YUTO WAS ALWAYS THERE FOR ME! HE PROMISED THAT HE WOULDN'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" the tears kept coming and coming until.... You started to feel drained, all that crying had made you tired, all that stressed was being put aside. You closed your eyes and Shun layed you down looking at your tearful face "it was to early for you to leave Yuto" he muttered.

Shun noticed that on the pendant you were wearing that Yuto's color was still there. It wasn't fading so that means.... Yuto's still alive. Shun decided that he would tell you later. Not now later. He needed you to be busy on the Championship and not Yuto at the moment.

Your opened your eyes to see that Shun wasn't around "Shun?" You called out looking at your surroundings. A forest, it was the same forest where you and Yuto always played hide-and-seek. You hear a crunching sound behind you causing you to turn in alarm, strong arms pulled you in an embrace surprising you "hey (name)" an all to familiar voice spoke "Yuto?" You asked out loud. You see the purple-black hair of none other than your best friend "Yuto" your chest started to hurt and squeeze.

Yuto's hugged tighten "I'm sorry I broke the promise" Yuto's voice was soft yet deep, the hug lasted for a dew minutes until you broke it by holding Yuto's face in your hands making sure he was real "as of this moment I'm real" he said making you laugh. An idea pops into Yuto's head as a smirk crawls onto his face "if you don't believe I'm real then I'll have to prove it" you didn't quite understood what he was trying to say "how?" You question when Yuto smashed his lips onto yours. The kiss was longer this time and it held more love and sorrow, your mind was blank as you only focused on Yuto and nothing else. Yuto pulled back first "(name)? Why are you crying?" Yuto was panicked when he saw your tears "nothing it's just, I've missed you. Even if its only been a few hours" you smiled sadly to him. You tell him how much you wanted to feel his warm embrace, to hear his matured voice, Yuto heard the pain in your voice. He pulled you in for another hug then let you go "(name) you need to go back to dueling" he kissed your forehead "I know but I don't want to leave you again" your voice cracked as you saw a sad look on Yuto's face "I'll see you soon" he said. You nod your head and share one last kiss "I love you Yuto" Yuto smiled "I love you to (name)" then everything disappeared.

You jolted awake seeing Shun once again "what time is it?" You asked In slight panic "its 9 minutes before it starts" Shun smile softly at you. Both duelist made their ways to the large stadium wishing each other luck, looking around you saw Yuzu with a sad look on her face "are you ok Yuzu?" You asked as she tells you about Yuya. The championship begins and everyone is mesmerized by the intense duels that take place on the stadium, after each duel you look at Shun and he looked at you. Both of you were sending signs that the duels you both would duel would be easy so none of you had to worry. The moment of your duel was now, running down the stairs you threw your duel disk on which caught everyone's attention of how you did a simple stunt in the beginning of the duel.

After a few turns of you not paying attention and loosing over 1000 points you eventually won. Even Shun noticed that your dueling was off 'is it because of Yuto?' He asked himself as he watched you walk up the stairs making eye contact with him. Shun sent you a shrug and you sent back whisper "I saw Yuto again" Shun knew exactly what that meant but he wondered why and how Yuto's soul was still alive. It was physically impossible, gosh if only Kite were to help him think.

Meanwhile Yuto was in a dark room, he looked around seeing nothing but a small light. Sitting still Yuto was stuck in thought "how am I alive?" He asked himself. But if there was something he knew.... He can still tell if everyone's ok.

Shun's duel was very easy as well, he walked up the steps and sat back down where he was before looking at your thinking state. And if there was something he knew: it was that Yuto was still alive.

I feel like I say "you" "your" too many times. Do I? Well if I do I can't help it. Well thx for reading and always remember: Always fill tables
(/^▽^)/︵ ┻━┻

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