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You were in your room raging and muttering to yourself how much he made you mad "that idiot!!" You shouted as you threw a nearby book against your wall. As you were stomping around your room you heard a knock "who is it!?" Shouting with anger, you heard the person behind the door sigh "its Shun" the voice called out, unlocking the door Shun stepped in your room "I think you and Yuto should apologize" he said but you being you, you were stubborn "I won't say sorry until he does" a frown visible on your face. Shun sighed in fustration and annoyance as he thought back to what happened only a few days ago.

The three if you were walking in the shadows searching for any Fusion Soldiers. None of you guys noticed anyone following so you kept walking, Yuto was beside you on your right while Shun was on your left "you guys hear that?" Shun looked at you and Yuto "yeah" Yuto nodded "footsteps" you looked at Yuto and Shun. Yuto nods and so does Shun as you all turn around seeing 5 Fusion Soldiers, you got out your desk and duel disk but Yuto blocked your way "no. You're staying back, what if they try to hurt you?" Yuto sounded worried but you were frustrated "I can take care of myself Yuto" you spoke with determination "even if you can you're not strong enough" oh Yuto.... How wrong you are.

Yuto was surprised seeing your glare directing at him "I am strong enough, I've taken care of myself for months now" the 5 Fusion Soldiers were watching but they were also getting out their deck and duel disk as they summoned a dark beast. Shun summoned his own while you and Yuto summoned your's as well "I said stay back!" Yuto shouted. Yuto doesn't shout at you. "And I said I can take care of myself!" You shouted back, Shun sighed as you three destroyed the enemy within minutes but Yuto began raging "I TOLD YOU TO STAY BACK!!" "AND I TOLD YOU I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!!" Both were fighting as Shin watched his friends bicker. Shun was about to say something when..... *SLAP!!!!!*... You had slapped Yuto "I'm not a kid Yuto! I've said so before that I've taken care of myself these past few months so why don't you get it!? I'm not weak!!" Yuto was shocked as he put a hand on his red cheek and looked at you with an intense glare "I just want you to be safe! You never know what these Fusion scum have up there sleeves, did you ever consider that they might take you as well!?" Shun sighed knowing that you two weren't going to calm down but no matter what he has to stop you guys from drawing the line between with each other "you two.. STOP!" Shun shouted as you and Yuto jump a bit from his loud voice "you two are being childish. If you can't get along then don't talk to each until you can"


And that's how you and Yuto were angry at one another while Shun tried to get you two to apologize since you two didn't talk for 3 days straight. Shun was with Yuto right now "you know you didn't mean to say she was weak" Shun sat beside an angered yet sad Yuto "I know, I just didn't want her to get hurt or taken away from us like Ruri" Yuto looked at how grey the ground was "you two are best friends right?" Shun asked. It was true. You and Yuto had known each other since you were in diapers, you guys always stuck together and got along. Ok there were a few fights but they always ended within a few minutes for you guys not being able to stay mad at one another for to long, you guys usually laughed it off. But now? It was the war so Shun knew that stress would build up.

Shun went to your house asking the same question "yeah I guess" was all you muttered as you laid on your bed with your blanket around your face "if you two are best friends then you should say you're sorry and with the war going on it'll cause even more stress" Shun was now desperate to get you two back together.. So Shun being Shun he grabbed your hand dragging you against your will, to an unknown place. As Shun kept walking he stop in an alley that was in between the hideout and your house "stay" he says firmly as you nod while seeing Shun walk off into the direction of the hideout.

Yuto heard a pair of footsteps causing him to turn around seeing Shun "what now?" Yuto grumbled "if you and (name) are really friends then you should apologize" Shun had said the same words to Yuto as he did with (name). Yuto sighed and turns away "tch" Shun grabbed Yuto's arm and drag him to the alleyway you were in. Once putting Yuto in front you did you realize what was going on "Shun" you both called but saw he was gone "damn him" you cursed. Yuto looked at you and you looked at Yuto both thinking 'I don't want our friendship to end' so instead of glaring, you took a step forward "look Yuto i-I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that" you apologize first "hmph" was all Yuto said making you a bit angry "what do you mean 'hmph'? Fine I'm leaving! I didn't mean anything I said so forget it!" You turned and walked off, once out of sight Shun dropped down from where he was above "Yuto you should have apologized as well" Yuto glares at Shun "I can't, I won't say it if she doesn't mean it!" Yuto shouts.

You were walking along the sidewalk seeing bunch of kids playing at a park "ne ne miss?" You looked down and saw a little girl about the age 6 "yes?" You answered back as the girl took a deep breath "my friends are fighting and I wanted to ask if you can stop them" the girl squeaked. Your eyes soften up as you pat her on the head "sure, which ones?" You asked the child, she takes you to where a little boy and a little girl were fighting "oi oi!" You shout pulling them both away "what's going on?" You asked "Leon said I'm weak!" The little girl said "Tsubaki won't listen to me!" The little boy known as Leon shouted as they started arguing again "hey! Listen... First tell me what happened" you said looking at two kids and the girl who walked up to you "we were walking around the school earlier when we saw that Yuri (girl that went up to u) was being bullied, Tsubaki stood up against then and almost got hurt!" Leon explained clearly "Leon pushed me back saying that I should stay out of the fight!" Tsubaki and Leon glare each other. You had to pull them away "first I want Tsubaki to tell me her side of the story" you said turning to the girl that was on your left "I was going to stand up to those mean bullies for trying to hurt Yuri but Leon said that I would get hurt" Tsubaki briefly saif. Now you turned to Leon "when Tsubaki told me that she wasn't weak I already knew that, buy it was just that I didn't want her to get hurt" your eyes widen knowing that this was like yours and Yuto's argument, he just wanted to keep you safe.

You look at the kids "Tsubaki, Leon wants yo keep you and Yuto safe because you're his friends. Leon, you have to think about what Tsubaki feels" the nod and hug together thanking you afterwards. I have to tell Yuto. Was on your mind as you ran back to where Yuto and Shun were "YUTO!" You shouted seeing him there "(name)?" He questioned, Shun grinned at you and walked away to leave you two some privacy "Yuto I'm sorry that I shouted at you, I just wanted to show you that I wasn't a weak kid anymore" you said with sincerity making Yuto look at you "I know" he gets up and walk towards you putting a hand on your head "I just wanted to keep you safe, I was afraid that you would be taken away from us" Yuto patted your head. A laugh erupted from you "did I say something funny?" Yuto asked "no, its just that some kids were bickering about the same situation we were in... Except there was bullying instead of Fusion Soldiers" you said with a smile "then let's go back to Shun" Yuto said as you nod walking off. Thank goodness you said your sorrys, you just can't stand being mad at Yuto. Ever.

Chapter 4 done!!!! Well I don't have much to say so always remember: always flip tables
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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