News and counterparts

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It was Sunday and you were home alone doing nothing but sitting on your couch watching TV when an announment came saying that the Maiami Championships were coming up soon which caught your attention right away "let's take a look at our participants!" The news lady shouted as you watched seeing your school and others. You weren't interested in any of them except one "Shun's in LDS!?" You shouted as you turned off your TV, got your shoes and ran out the door zooming past other civilians looking for Yuto to see if he knew anything about it. Yuya and the others were pretty excited that you , Yuya, Yuzu, and Sora were participating in the Maiami Championship "I hope one of you guys win" Ayu said with a smile on her face, the group felt a breeze as they saw a familiar (h/c) blur "was that (name)?" Yuya asked making Yuzu sigh "yes its (name)" she said looking at the direction you were running remembering the talk you had yesterday while the others were walking to go train again not minding if you were late or not.

Yuto was surprised to see your panting figure in front of him "d-did you know a-about S-Shun!?" Yuto was curious. Was something wrong with Shun? "No. Why?" he answered watching confusingly as you caught your breath "n-never mind" you didn't why Yuto didn't know, if Shun was responsible for the attacks on the Leo students then why would he work with them? You sighed deciding that you shouldn't worry about it, after all Shun has his own ways of doing things. Yuto was lost and this was visible to you but you shook it off and laughed nervously telling Yuto that you were just joking "ok? Oh (name)?" Yuto just remembered something "what is it?" "I think I found Ruri" time had felt like it slowed down. Ruri? Found?


Yuto thought back "I found her when she was going to duel these students from LDS, her hair was in pigtails though" Yuto explained as the pigtails part caught your attention 'wait pigtails?' You laughed causing Yuto's face to go into a light pink "w-what?" Yuto knew hr didn't say anything funny so why were you laughing? "Haha its nothing its just.... That wasn't Ruri" you said with a sad look in your eyes, Yuto questioned this so you explained to him that you called her Ruri as well when you first met and that she was most likely Ruri's dimensional counterpart "a counterpart?" You nodded "and I first called Yuya, Yuto because he looked like you" Yuto's eyebrow raised in a are-you-serious way. Not worrying about that you looked at see if Shun was around "where's Shun?" You asked "he said he was going to keep looking" Yuto explained sitting down motioning for you to sit beside him which you did so. You brought out your deck and took out your (Xyz card's name) making Yuto look your way and he brought out his Xyz Dark Rebellion Dragon "Yuto I learned how to Fusion Summon" Yuto almost chocked on his own saliva hearing those words "when?" He asked keeping his composed state "well maybe a month before I saw you and Shun here I saw a Fusion Soilder, I dueled him and won but didn't seal him away yet so I used him to teach me how to Fusion summon" explaining this in words was tough for you since you knew that if Shun were here he would flip some tables  if any were around "why word you learn that style of Summoning?" He asked.

"Just in case we have to go undercover"

Was your answer making Yuto sigh "there could be a scenario like that so I understand why you would learn it" he said with a small smile "thanks Yuto" you hugged your best friend as memories of the old days came back to you "if only they didn't came then maybe things wouldn't be so dangerous" you muttered hoping Yuto didn't hear, unfortunately for you he did "I know (n/n) but things happen for a reason" he says hugging you back. You and Yuto sit in silence for a few minutes until you break it "hey if you and Ruri have counterparts do you think Shun and I have counterparts?" You were curious on the subject. Yuto began thinking as well "who knows?" He shrugged looking down at his pendant seeing the red one light up causing him to gasp "something's wrong with Ruri" he stated as you nod noticing the light "damn if only she wasn't captured" you cursed under your breath. Standing up you stretched "well if Ruri's in danger then that means more pain to those Fusion scum" you popped your fingers "well they do say actions speak louder than words" Yuto pointed out making you laugh "I guess so" Yuto laughs as well.

"Hey remember when it was April fool's day and Ruri, you, and I planned a prank on Shun?" Yuto said with a genuine smile on his face "yeah that was hilarious, oh and we have to remember that we owe him 20$ each" you reminded your purple-black haired friend "right" Yuto pouted "well the Maiami Championship are coming up so I have to train hard" you said with confident in your voice "I wish you luck" Yuto said making you smile "thanks, I'll need all the training I need" Yuto had always admire how confident you were but you know what they say: there's always another side to the story. But Yuto has known you all your life so he knew what bothered you and what didn't which back then made your parents happy that you knew Yuto.

"I'll help you train" Yuto said bringing out his deck "oh is this a challenge?" You asked with a grin as Yuto smirked "you know it is" and just like that you and Yuto dueled dozens of times ending with ties. Yep you were definitely going to win your matches in a few days.

Chapter 8 done!!!!! Oh just letting you guys know that in every chapter I type over 1000 words in the story part (u know? 🔝) this is just a 'cya next time' message. I'm just saying that within every word I want you guys to feel like the chapter isn't to short or to long. Well that's it and remember: always flip tables
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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