Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Three days earlier

Evelyn stepped in to the room teary eyed, she had thought she had no more tears left but she was wrong, her eyes burnt from all that crying she did...apparently she was good for only that. For she had been useless for anything else.

While people has sprung in to action around her at the devastation unleased at them, she had remained still, numb, unable to move or act. People just kept giving her pitying glances but generally kept their distance from her, perhaps even they knew how useless she was.

She had been staring out of the window at the rain as she had been doing for the last two days when Sebastian stepped in to the room grim faced.

She looked at him with an expression of hopelessness.

"Roma wishes to see you" He told her in a flat tone devoid of any attention.

She just stared at him dumbly.

"Shall we?" he prompted indicating at the door.

She gave a gentle nod, and wiped her tears with her palms and meekly followed him.

There was a small hospital set up in the underbelly of the palace, a team of most trusted doctors summoned and on continuous duty under watchful eyes of the guards. They were not taking any chances.

When she entered the room she met with Alex and Adrian standing in the room.

"Roma" Evelyn greeted her mother-in-law. She was pale and looking weak.

Roma looked at her for a moment and whispered weakly "Come here child"

Evelyn dutifully walked over to Roma.

"I am sorry, Evelyn" She whispered heartbroken.

Evelyn looked confused, what was she sorry for?

"It is not fair for someone so young to go through so much misery...I wish...there is something I could do...have done" She said miserably.

Evelyn kept quiet, what could she say? Would it even matter? What would it change?

Roma took Evelyn's hand gently in to hers and whispered "Considering the circumstances" she said haltingly "I need a favor from you"

"Anything Roma" Evelyn said without hesitation.

Roma looked at the girl "Never commit to anything without knowing the details girl" she told her.

"Even for family?" Evelyn asked.

Roma gave a gentle smile of admiration at her and looked away staining in to the air and taking deep breaths.

She looked at the others "Can you leave us alone?" she asked and everyone nodded stepping away. She looked at Sebastian and said "Stay"

As everyone left, Roma look at Evelyn, a piercing glance, studying the girl trying to understand if she could take the news she was to break to her.

"Only me, Sebastian and now you know this...I would prefer we kept it this way" Roma told her and Evelyn nodded hesitantly, she has a bad feeling about this.

"I am dying" Roma declared without any preamble.

"What?" Evelyn whispered in shock, blood in her veins went cold.

"One of the bullets coated with silver hit my spine, the doctors were able to take the bullet out and treat me but the silver has entered my nervous system and is spreading...The doctors have been trying to isolate it and slow it down but have not been successful. It's going to kill me in a few days' time" Roma stated emotionlessly, like a person who accepted the inevitable.

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