Chapter 24

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Previously on Wrath of Roma:
"Alex found his mate" He told still shocked.
"What!?" Roma gushed "That's's..."
He cut her off, still absorbing the information he heard over the phone.
"It's Serena Lockbourne."

They simply couldn't just catch a fucking break.

Chapter 24

"What?" Roma asked with disbelief. She did not hear it right, it could not be right but the grim face of Sebastian said otherwise.

"But...but...She was dead...Alex confirmed she was..." Roma rambled, losing any comprehension of speech.

Sebastian shrugged emotionlessly "Don't know what went on down there" he said referring to the assassination plan on Serena Lockbourne "But, she is alive and in Colorado."

"Colorado? What the fuck is she doing there?" Roma asked taken aback.

"Alex frazzled out once he discovered who she was and the group captain had to take a call, they were not sure what to do with her once they realized who she was to Alex so they hightailed out of California with her." Sebastian said recalling the phone conversation moments ago. His brain was still processing what he heard.

"Where is Alex?" Roma asked.

"Back in Colorado as well" Sebastian said.

Both sat in silence absorbing the news.

"What do we do?" Roma whispered.

"About what?" Sebastian asked dumbly.

"Serena Lockbourne" Roma whispered.

Sebastian stared at her...really stared trying to figure out what she was thinking.

"She is Alex's mate Roma, we can't just kill her...We can't...I can't do this to Alex" Sebastian said, assuming the worst of what Roma was thinking.

Her eyes widened in shock, she involuntary sank back in her seat "That's what you though? That I could hurt Alex? That I could ask you to kill his mate?" Hurt was evident in her voice.

"No...Shit" Sebastian said in hurry "It's just the whole thing is so fucked up." He said bitterly.

They both sat in their corners, her sulking him being generally sheepish.

"Sorry" He said after a moment.

She gave a deep sigh "don't worry about it" She said tiredly.

"Listen we land in Colorado in a few hours anyways and why don't you get some sleep, our problems are not going anywhere" He said sagely.

She did not protest, her mind was mush and she was beyond tired, she quietly got up and went in to her suite and closed the door softly behind her.

Sebastian stat in his seat lost in his thoughts looking out of the window the darkness matching his mood.


"Hey" Roma said sleepily walking out of her suite looking at Sebastian sitting where she had left him earlier, no change in his position he had been in pensive thought looking out of that dark window.

"Hi" He said tiredly "Managed to catch some sleep?" He asked.

Roma waked over and sat in the seat opposite to him, she could see his tired face and next to him was a glass of whiskey, she was sure it was not his first one.

"I managed to grab some" Roma said yawning. She had fallen asleep despite the million things running through her head but she had woken up, she has been sleeping close to two hours though it seemed like a lot more and she only felt more fatigued.

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