Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Evy had trouble recognizing herself in the mirror.

The back breaking regime that Sebastian followed was changing her body, her muscles were getting toned and tuned to the intense workout and she had remarkably improved in her fighting skills. Sebastian taught her tact on how to attach her enemies, her wolf did not engage mindlessly anymore like it did before with the slightest provocation, she studied her opponent, looked for weaknesses to exploit, studied her surroundings to see what can be utilized to influence the outcome to her benefit, she was getting extremely cunning, she still had not defeated Sebastian but was getting closer.

What Evy was scared that one day her wolf would exceed her master, she was an excellent student and Sebastian an outstanding teacher.

But in this lessons of physical fight were also lessons on psyche of wolf, lessons on governance, lessons on domination and making a statement to everyone around. You don't always fight to kill. And one day he said she would have no need to fight at all for everyone would be so sure of the outcome that there would be no need to.

She sighed, giving one more glance to her image on the mirror, every day she felt more and more that the person she was looking in the mirror was a stranger.

She walked away to the meeting she had to attend to now, they called it the council meeting. Which included Alex, Adrian, herself and Sebastian. The idea was to create an action plan for her rule to run smoothly.

The rest of them were waiting for her.

"I have made a list of alphas you need to meet, I would suggest we start with the troublesome ones, we can negotiate with them to make sure they fall in line." Alex started once she had settled.

Evelyn looked at the list carelessly "negotiate?" She asked.

"More like compromise." Adrian added bluntly "But right now we need to have unity in the ranks, and avoid alphas rabble rousing."

"What would the compromise involve?" she asked softly.

"More land, more money...the usual stuff...." Alex added "Mostly, I and Adrian or Sebastian can chalk out the deal and you can close it over a meeting with the alphas."

"How many alphas are we talking about?" She asked.

"Twenty five to thirty" Alex said.

"Ok" She said rubbing her temple.

Alex and Adrian looked at each other and then to Sebastian uncertainly not sure what she meant.

" want us to set this up?" Alex asked.

"Yes...but not immediately...I want to learn about these you can start your negotiations and maybe in a few weeks we can set up the meeting" She added hesitantly.

That was not the answer they were looking for but a few weeks did not sound bad.

"Sure, we will start our negotiations" Adrian added helpfully. He understood she was not ready yet.

"Anything else?" She asked.

"I think it's enough for the day" Sebastian spoke for the first time. "Let's meet again tomorrow, I am sure we have a lot of agenda items, so let's prioritize" Sebastian said dismissing the twins. They both got up and left. Leaving Sebastian and Evelyn alone in the room.

There was silence for a few minutes with both Evelyn and Sebastian in their own thoughts.

"So" Evelyn finally broke the silence "What do you think about this plan?" She asked him.

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