Chapter 4

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Sorry for the delay folks, work has been crazy, will try to get back to weekly updates as soon as I can.

Chapter 4


This training of her's was nothing like before.

If she thought Sebastian had been merciless before he was downright cruel. The training sessions were grueling and lasted twelve hours a day. She would be so exhausted by end of they that she simply collapsed on her bed and passed out.

He also kept her away from everyone that included even Alex and Adrian, he told her she was not stable enough to be around people and she needed better control on her wolf.

But something miraculous had happened, her raging and frothing wolf had calmed down considerably, even in-fact co-operating with her training. She also got a hang of controlling her emotions a little better and reigning in her wolf.

She had just gotten back from another session of training with Sebastian and had taken a warm relaxing bath when someone knocked on her door. She went to open it and paused at the door looking at the person on the other side.

"A-Alex" She whispered, not expecting him at her door.

"Evy" Alex responded calmly, no emotion showing.

"Alex...I.." Evy said chocking up, she had not seen him since the funeral, to be honest she avoided both Alex and Adrian like plague for she was afraid of what she would see in their eyes, the blame she would find there for killing their mother. Sebastian's instructs for her to be isolated had been a blessing and they had kept their distance until now.

"Alex" She said tears leaking out of her eyes and in one stride he engulfed her in a hug and she promptly broke down in his arms, crying her eyes out.


They were sitting in her room, Alex had ordered some food.

"How are you holding up?" Alex gently asked.

"I don't know Alex, my wolf has gone crazy, half the time I cannot differentiate her thoughts and mine and she had grown so powerful that I can't control her...I...the training is helping a little."

"How are you doing Evy?" Alex asked again.

She stared at him for a moment and gave a laugh filled with irony "you know what, let me take a raincheck on that question for I truly don't know."

She truly didn't, she had shut everything off and Sebastian ensured that she could not think even if she wanted to. Her end of day included her passing out on the bed. She had no time to process anything.

"You are not super human Evy" Ales gently added and burst out "I am so angry that I want to kill someone!"

Evy looked at Alex in confusion.

"I don't blame you for what happened" Alex clarified his position "I don't know what Roma and Sebastian were thinking!" He growled "You are as much as a victim as anyone else Evy, I don't hold what happened against you!" He clarified again.

A weight lifted off her chest, she had always feared how Alex and Adrian would view her, would they blame her for what happened? They clearly didn't and it made a world of difference for her.

"Thank you Alex" She whispered heartfelt.

"I don't know what she was thinking" Alex muttered "They have painted a bull's eye on your back, every enemy of Roma would now think you will be an easy target to take out. I don't know what they were thinking." He repeated.

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