Chilled Legacy IV

Start from the beginning

Your kingdom will splinter.

Your land shall be cursed

With unending winter!"

It paused, hands clutching the stone head.
The room echoed with gasps and whispers. Everyone at the Gryffindor table had moved back a couple feet while the other tables leaned closer.
Harry looked toward McGonagall. She was speechless. Harry was unsure if she'd ever witnessed a prophecy before. From what he knew, the Headmistress thought all that seer magic was nonsense. But there was no way to deny the truthful danger at hand.

They'd seen the sings before their eyes—frosted corridors, snow inside classrooms, floors turned to skating rings.
This was all happening too fast. He'd just arrived back and already peril was knocking at Hogwarts' door.
The cover was blown. Hogwarts was in danger and now all of them knew it.

"With blasts of cold will come dark art,

And a ruler

With a frozen heart!"

Then all will perish in snow and ice!

Unless you are freed with a sword sacrifice!"

The light in the monster's eyes faded just before all of it vanished into the air.

It took only seconds before someone yelled. "We're going to freeze!"
Then, "the ice will kill us!"

All eyes were turned on him as if they expected him to pull out some magic sword and vanquish the icy ruler.
Instead Harry stared at where the shattered prophecy lay.
"Student evacuate immediately!" McGonagall yelled over the panicked crowed.

In just a few minutes the peaceful breakfast had turned to chaos.
Some first years had already started crying, and the older student's weren't of any help—pushing, shoving, and chasing down Harry for answers.

A few Prefects were doing their job correctly, but the fear and confusion was poorly hidden.
Draco for one had turned a couple sheets whiter. If any more blood drained from his face he might have been transparent.

When the area cleared out only Harry, Ron, and McGonagall were left.

The culprits name had to be scattered somewhere in the remaining pieces.
He supposed the only real way to solve the mystery was to find out who the frozen ruler was and...well to do the whole sword sacrifice thing.

Killing Voldemort had technically been an accident. The wand had backfired. The young teen had never intentionally murdered anybody in his life. Saving others was one thing, but to take another's life in the process? It was just unthinkable. Undoable. Madness. Cruel.

Walking over to the shatter prophecy felt a lot like his first day at Hogwarts. Instead of 'in which house will you be?' it was 'what student will you kill?'
With each step his feet felt heavier.
Careful not to cut himself on the fragile glass, he searched.
The pieces were still hot. It reminded him of the warmth of a body. Someone's life had been predetermined for death just as his had been.
When his eyes finally landed on the single tag, Harry imagined the glass turning cold.
Cold like the soon to be lifeless body of destiny's new puppet.

Out loud he read, "The Ruler of Arendelle"

It was happening again.
Count four things you can see. Four you can touch. Four you can...

I can't be having a panic attack. I'm the Prefect. I have to help the first...

"Pansy!" he yelled her name, but the voice didn't feel like his.
Nothing felt real.
It was like he'd detached himself from the earth. Draco's chest hurt with every intake of breath. Each lung filled gulp felt like empty space consuming his body.
A falling sensation—plummeting without end—even though his feet were on the ground.
He could feel his heart beat in his throat, but regardless that he counted the thumps, time was unreal.

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