A Precious Little Pirate

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"We're having a baby" Emma smiled and then she wasn't smiling. She got up, jumped over Killian and ran for the woods.

Everyone followed.

Emma ran so far, and cried so much, she wasn't sure she'd do either one again. It started to get dark. She reached into her pocket to pull out her phone. It wasn't there. She frantically patted her body down.

It was cold, dark and Emma didn't know where she was and didn't bring her phone.

Meanwhile with the gang...
"Emma!", and "where are you?!" We're frantically called throughout the forest. Especially by Killian. Killian was more scared than he had ever been in his entire life.

His true love and child were wandering around the woods. 'I'll use the device!' He thought. He pulled out his 'device' and clicks the Emma button. He saw a light on the ground. 'What in the gods name is that!' He thought. He picked up what looked like Emma's phone. He felt tears spring to his eyes. He sat there staring at Emma's phone for 5 minutes.

"Killian!" David called, "Killian!" He said louder. He went up and touched Killian's shoulder. "Killian?" He jumped at David's touch. "Come on what are you..." He stopped and stared at the phone for a second. "Is that..." Killian nodded. "Killian it's going to be ok. We WILL find her," he nodded again.
They continued their search for another hour. Then Killian heard something in the distance.

"Emma?" He whispered, "EMMA!" Then he saw her shivering, knees wobbling, face pale, with a saddened look on her face.

"Killian?" She said. He ran over to her. He pulled her into his embrace and kissed her cold, chapped lips.

"Thank the gods you're alright! Gods Emma don't do that again, ok?" She buried her face into his warm neck and nodded. She began crying uncontrollably again. 'Well I guess I still have it in me,' she thought.

Killian picked Emma up bridal style and carried her back. David drove them home.
Killian put Emma down on the bed and pulled off his jacket. Then he helped Emma out of hers. He took off both their shoes and his shirt, and her jeggings. He then climbed into bed behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Killian, I love you so much. I am happy about this baby. I'm just afraid of not being able to protect it. I just wanted you to know,"

He turned Emma to face him.

"I love you too. I too want this baby. More than anything," he paused briefly to place his hand on her flat stomach. "Love, this is everything to me. Our future, and I will do everything in my power to protect her," he said with a smile. She glanced up at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Her?" She chuckled,

"Fathers intuition. She'll grow up just like her mother. Beautiful, strong willed, brave, and smart,"

He raised an eyebrow like her and then she laughed and kissed him. Boy did she love this pirate, the father of her child.

I hope that was good enough for you guys! September 25th everyone!!!! New season of once upon a time!

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