In the past 2

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I came back home by myself as I walked into the door to the kitchen. "(Name)! There you are. Where have you been?" Makoto asked with his fingers in his black and short hair. I like said, I have a lot of brothers with just our mother. They both died of a illness. Then, now I have these twelve guys looking after me, their youngest sister in the family. Here, Makoto is the sixth oldest and is sometimes always in the kitchen. And Sei, who is next to him is one of the middle. I just can't keep up with the age groups.

"I was picking grapes. Before the storm came in." I answer as I dump them into a bowl in the sink to wash them. "Again? Seems like every time the storms on its way, you would pick grapes." Sei with the curly hair gasped, "you're amazing, (Name)." Sometimes, when there isn't a storm, I would say that I was battling some kids from the street or I was helping the elders. Something's like that. But when the storm comes, picking grapes. "Well, mom is at work right now, so she won't be here until midnight." Makoto informed. Midnight?! 

I hear footsteps coming from upstairs, then down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Sei, Makoto, is (Name) home yet?" A soft voice asked. "Yep. She just came in." Makoto said. I turned around and saw the fourth oldest, Kimo. With the long smooth hair and the pale skin. He didn't look that happy to see me, like he usually does. "What's wrong? Are your allergies coming up again?" I asked. Kimo always gets allergy reaction here and there. Mostly when he's around fire. I don't know why. When that happens, his eyes get drowsy, he sneezes, dizziness, and faints.

"Aki, he wishes to see you." Kimo's head drops. This cannot be good. Aki is the oldest out of everyone. And yet, they treat him like he's the boss. And if anyone disrespects him, it's game over for that person. I didn't do anything wrong. Well, maybe. But I know he wouldn't take it hard on the youngest sister. I gulped as I walked with Kimo downstairs into the hallway where half of us, including me stay in our rooms. We don't live in a big house because we couldn't afford it, so we had to get this piece of dump.

Mom has been at work a lot so she mostly doesn't know what happens around that house. She has to start working to pay for bills and food and stuff. But, that is what doesn't make sense to me. The five oldest, Aki, Tari, Tsuki, Kimo and Kiyoshi should be able to get a job and make money too. Then we would be able to get a better life with a bigger house. Ever since our father passed, everything fell apart one-by-one. Also, another reason why Aki has been in his room

We got to Aki's room, which is the largest room in the house. Mostly, cause he's the oldest siblings, (which is not fair to me). Knock knock. I knocked on the door, waiting on him to answer. "Who is it?" A low tone asked. "It's Kimo, Aki. I have (Name) with me." Kimo answered. "Come in." Aki told us. I opened the door and I skipped in there, excited to see Aki. Then that excitement was turned off by a bad mood that came over me. I saw all of the five oldest brothers in there sitting together, that's not good.

"Ah, (Name). It's nice to see you." Aki smiled. I walked over the the five and gave out a fake smile, although I think I know what's going on. "What going on?" I asked. "Just sit down. We need to talk." Kiyoshi told me in a soft voice. I sat down among them as Aki spoke, "(Name), this is really heartbreaking to say this." My heart paused for a second as I started to panic in my head. What is he going to say? This better not he a prank!

"It has come to our attention that you've been seeing somebody." Tsuki talked for him. Seeing somebody? Neji?! Don't worry, (Name), calm down. It's just a prank, it has to be. Although, Tsuki never jokes around. "Seeing somebody? Like who? I don't see anybody." I said. "So you haven't seen seeing somebody while you were out?" Kimo asked. "Well....I saw you and Kiyoshi and Ebisu and.." "That's not what he meant!" Tsuki grew aggregated. "Then say the whole sentence already! Sheesh." I rolled my eyes.

Aki looked at the long haired Uchiha (Tsuki) and nodded, "let me take care of this." Tsuki folded his arms and gave me a sour look. "(Name), have you been friends with.....a Hyüga?" Aki asked. Damn! I should have known that they would know by now. After all, Neji and I have been fighting with each other's for months now. But, how shouted I react? Maybe I need to act dumb. No, they are smarter than that. If they're asking me something, then that must mean that they have some kind of evidence.

"Yeah. I have. But, he's very nice." I tried to explain. "(Name), how could you, we've been through this." Tari sighed, "you're not supposed to see a Hyüga. They are our enemy."

"But how did you know I have?" I asked them. "We had to sent Ebisu to spy on you and follow wherever you go." Kimo explained, "he has good stealth. And, we been doing that for about three weeks now." Three weeks?! Of Ebisu following and spying on me?! Of course he could use his stealth as an advantage! Ebisu is a year older than me and the third youngest. "Anyway, Hyüga Clan are enemies. You need to understand that." Aki told me.

"I know. But, we can get along. Can't we just put aside our differences?" I asked, "the past doesn't matter anymore, yet we still have to learn about it." "Because, they are the reason why our father is dead!" Tsuki raised his voice, "if you don't learn from this mistake, then you'll be dead too!"

My heart shattered in pieces and hurt my chest. I couldn't believe that they think that Neji would hurt me. He would never do that. I can't even think that he would bod that. Then again, if it was to open another opportunity, then he would. But I don't want to even think of a moment like that. Tears fell down my face as I turned away from the group. "He wouldn't do that." I sniffles.

"Tsuki, don't yell at her." Kiyoshi said, "she is still a child." "It doesn't matter. She still needs to learn at a early age!" Tsuki turned to Kiyoshi. "Maybe if we just talk to her without all the yelling, she'll understand." Tari guessed. "Tsuki, you're always the one to yell at her." Kiyoshi turned away from Tsuki, "you disgust me." "I didn't ask for a little sister, didn't I?" Tsuki turned away from Kiyoshi. "ENOUGH!" Aki shouted as he coughed a little.

"(Name), come here." Aki held out his hand, giving me those sweet, apologetic look in his black eyes. That's what I like about him. He's always gentle. I ran to him and hugged him with my eyes completely dry. "We didn't mean to hurt your feelings, it's just that, we didn't want your life in danger." Aki spoke softly, "now that Neji's gone, we could help you with your training?" "You can help me?" I asked the oldest brother.

"Of course, then when you get your mangekyou sharingan, you can beat Neji Hyüga." Aki told me. Those last three words just made my day. "But what about...." "Don't worry. We'll get you going in no time." Tari added. My face lighten up as I released myself from Aki's grasp. "Can mother help me too?" I asked. "Sure, why not." Tari smiled. "Yay!" I hopped out of Aki's lap and went towards the hallway. "I want to fight Aki!" I cheered.

"Hold on, you'll battle Aki later." Kimo giggled, "let's take it slow and start with  Kotaro. He's six years old just like you and mastered his sharingan." Kotaro. Second youngest. He's same age as me and same birth week as me. It's just that he was born a day earlier than me. "Okay." I agreed. I left the room looking for Kotaro. Hopefully, when I get discovered, I'll get in the same school as Neji. And beat hi. Just like what Aki said.

Age group (youngest to oldest) :

(Name) : 6

Kotaro : 6

Ebisu :  7

Rin : 7

Kuroko : 8

Reo: 8

Sei : 9

Makoto : 10

Kiyoshi : 13

Kimo : 14

Tari : 15

Tsuki : 16

Aki : 16

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