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It was Saturday where I was at the gym of the school. This is it this is my moment to show everyone that I can do anything as long as I put enough hard work, mind, heart, and soul into this. I was there alongside my brothers and my mother.

I was excited and nervous but confident too. This will be the day that I finally get to be a graduate. And it will also be the same day we'll finally impress Neji once and for all. He'll be so proud of me know he'll be so know what you'll be but I'm pretty sure he'll be so happy that he would want me as a girlfriend instead of Tenten.

We walked into the gym and there we saw all the other students waiting to be a graduate there were the staff the teachers and other classmates too. I had no idea there was that many s class students that were waiting to be graduates, it's crazy.

Well I'm about to be the first student that gun to the S-Class and graduated less than a week. You can count on it.

"How many S-Classes are there?" Is asked as my jaw dropped.

"There might be alot of S-class students here but about 1/4 of them really came to participate. The rest just think that they can't make it so they just sit on the bleachers and watch." Aki said.

"Are you absolutely sure that you're going to graduate today? I mean it's only barely been a week since you've been in to the program. Are you sure about this, (Name )? " Kotaro said.

"Of course. I might be the baby of the family but I got alot of skill. Believe in me, will ya?" I said as I smiled.

"Alright, looks like we're supposed to battle in the arena. And there looks like where we wait for our names to be called to battle." Tsuki pointed to an open door where there were graduates and S-Class students were. I nodded my head and went in there with Aki, Tsuki and Kimo.

When I was in the room, there were a table of refreshments, snacks and drinks. There was just one thing that was a little scary. The whole room was quiet. The only thing that you could hear was people chewing the food, sneezing or coughing a little bit.

"Quite welcoming huh?" I whisper to Aki.

"Yeah, that's the graduate class for you. Everyone is not as friendly. They believe that this is a battle field and only a few can win." Aki explained, "so socializing isn't one of the do's."

Oh I see. Well, this is scary. Some students were just eating their snacks and ignoring everyone else while the others were looking at the new arrivals including us and I don't like the way they look at me. Kind of spooky don't you think? Anyway we came in about 5 minutes early so we just grab some snacks that we liked and sat down for a while.

As I was eating my snacks and looking around the room I saw that Tenten and her little posse is here, well at least half of it. I looked at her and she looked at me and both of us knew what was about to go down. And to be honest I'm not afraid one bit. Either she's up against me or not, I'm still going to win there's nothing she can do to stop me.

As it was opening my water bottle I saw that Neji was walking through the gates and just arrived. He only got a water bottle and he said right across from me. He didn't notice me until after he sat down, after we took a sip of his water bottle then he started to talk to me without Tenten spotting us instead she was just talking to her friends.

"So I see you made it. You're blending in very well." He said.

"So are you, you look like you're ready for anything." I compliment him.

"Of course I am. This is what I always prepare myself for. I don't go to these things unless if I'm ready." Neji said with a bit of confidence shining through.

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