It ends here.

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I charge after Tsuki and used my sharingan to pinpoint his weak spot. If I could just hit it hard enough, then his whole body will be numb and he won't move, making me have the upper hand. Everything is perfectly planned. Carefully planned. Who knew that Tsuki could be this reckless.

"Wind Style: Hurricane of Blades!" Tsuki summoned as he started to spin in multiple circles as they start to echo all over the gym. Hurricane of Blades is a jutsu where Tsuki spins on one axis so fast and he uses a special chakra to makes the wind act like blades. Very sharp blades. So sharp that they could cut almost anything.

"Wind style: Hurricane of Blades!" My clone shouted back as she did the same thing as he did. Now this is just a battle of wind blades. This could get very dangerous. I need to get this done now. I can't waste anymore time.

So, I charged after him when it was the perfect time to do so. I spotted his weak point using my sharingan. In the middle of his spine. This should be easy. Tsuki might me spinning around like a tornado, but all I have to do is to wait for the right moment.


Using my speed manage to jump up from the wall and over to him in a blink of an eye. By the time I got a centimeter close to him, I was reaching the exact middle point of his spine with the most chakra pressure. A point where all the the chakra flow lines intersect, is point that you cannot just leave exposed so carelessly. I move in on his spine with my three fingers and pressed so hard that all of the flow lines got clogged.

"You're done!" I triumphantly said, "I win!" Suddenly, I feel a hand reach over to me.and grabbed my ankle. Hard. So hard that it almost broke the bone.

The wind jutsu stopped and the wind blades were throwing at each other anymore. For some reason, my shadow clone disappeared into thin air. I looked at the hand that grabbed me. It was Tsuki's. He took my ankle and threw it to the other side of the ground and it took me with it.

What happened? I don't understand? I thought I had him. I landed on the ground harshly with my hurting ankle. I tried to get up, but my ankle was hurting badly. Tsuki collapsed on the ground as well, but stood with an arched back.

"That, hurt you brat." He hissed, "I will admit that you got me, but I got you back." He got me back? What is that supposed to mean? Huh, don't tell me that.....

"That's right. You found my weak spot and I fought yours. I just had to wait for the right moment." Tsuki explained, "check yourself before you act all reckless." Of rolled my eyes. Oh please, he's the one to talk. His spot is worse because it's in the middle of his body. If someone touches that then every body part he has will fall apart.

"Now, this battle is over. Give up now." Tsuki commanded. What is he thinking? Yes, my ankle hurts that badly, but I'm not going to give up my goal. No way. Not even for the world. I will not give up. I won't. I'll never. I pushed myself off the ground and limped over to him. He widened his eyes in surprise.

"No. I won't. Not for anyone. I came this far, and I hate to start back over again." I said, "what are you going to do? You can't do anything can you?" Tsuki gritted his teeth as he was shivering weakly and fell back down. His hand went behind his back and threw the ninja stars at me. Ten of them.

Three I was able to dodge, but seven of them hit my body. And that hurts. I was still moving. I was still being strong as I want myself to be. Tsuki manage to throw more of them, but I was still moving. Closer and closer to him. I grabbed my kunai from my pocket and threw it near his face. Damnit I missed. Only by a couple of inches.

"You know that more you act strong, the more it's going to hurt right?" He mumbled. We started at each other. Until Tsuki tried to pick himself off the ground and threw his hands in the air.

"Fine. Be stubborn like that." He admits, "I quit. You won." I won? Against Tsuki? I did it! Now, all I have to do is one more student then a teacher. This is it!

"Yes!" I celebrated. Tsuki turned around as he headed for the exit with that frown on his face. Ouch. My wounds are almost pretty bad. I sat down on the ground and healed myself with medical ninjutsu. I have make it out.  I need to. This is the only way, that I could catch up to Neji.

I looked up to Tsuki as I was healing myself. He wasn't a bit too happy. He was very angry. He walked out of the exit, guessing now he's a A-Class student. Wow. I can't believe I actually defeated him, this was a bit surprise for me. But, now just one more student and then the big time.

"(Name), you need to quit right now!" Aki said over the gym. I looked around and couldn't find him. I'm guessing he's hiding with the judges now.

"Aki? What are you doing? I'm almost done." I told him, wherever he is.

"I know, but this is getting too risky, you know you're on your last legs, look at you." Aki pointed out, "your bruises and scratches. I don't even know how I can watch you getting hurt and--"

"Where was the brother that believed in me? Where was the brother that understood my ninja way?" I asked him, "where was the brother that will always be there for me? Cause right now, he's no where to be found." I'm talking about Aki himself. Don't you just hate it when don't understand why people believe in you, but then change just as soon as you're being put to the test? They should be there for you no matter what and never change their minds.

Aki remained silent as the door was opening for the new opponent. I got up from the floor and prepared myself. Alright, this is it. The last student I have to go up against. I must defeat and become so skilled that even Neji will be no match.

The opponent walked into the gym as the lights hit the feet and the rest of the body was in the darkness as the opponent stopped at the doorway.

"It's been a long time, (Name). You really have grown have you?" The voice asked.

"What? How do you know my name?" I gasped. That voice? Why do I feel like I've heard of it before? It's not one of my brother's. No. They never sound like that. But why does it feel like it been a long time since I've heard a voice like that?

"I've seen you at your battles. Impressive. Although, I'm not that impressed yet." The voice continued, "so let's battle like what we did back then, except with more skill."

"Battle like what we did? Back then? What a minute, don't tell me that...I'm battling.........

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