Impress and Love

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I woke up in a hospital bed while mom and my siblings stood around me, seeing if I was awake. Man, I wonder what would happen if I found out that my Hyūga sooner. It's good how mom knows when to tell the right stuff.

"Dear, are you alright? You scared all of us there." Mom said worried, "I'm glad that you're okay. I'm so proud of you."

"What happened? Did I win?" I asked.

"Of course you did! Lady Tsunade wanted to give you your certificate but since you were out in the hospital she said that she wants to give it to you personally in her office." Aki reported, "the certificate ceremony is already over you were knocked out during the whole thing."

"So, I'm a gradute? Alright! I need to go to her right away." I cheered as I jumped out of the hospital bed and ran as fast as I could.

"W-Wait. Are you sure that you're okay? You just woke up and that attack that you did-"

"Don't worry. I'm okay. I'm about to get my certificate." I interrupted Kotaro. I hurried to the office, now that I think about it, I don't know where it is. Great. Oh well. I'll just ask people at the meet on the way.

I walk into the hallways and rooms and still no sign of the office. I was so excited about getting my certificate, I can imagine Neji getting one. He really deserves it. I showed him that I could so he can too. This is be a happily ever after alright. As soon as I cheered me up some more, here comes Tsuki walking down the hallway.

He still looks moody as usual. He must've lost to some idiot that was way smarter than him. I giggled giggled a little at the idea. Then, I saw that his had some kind of scroll of some sort. Is that a certificate? No, that looks more like a summoning scroll.

Once when we were at the same spot, he stopped at his tracks as I kept going with mine until he said something.

"I see that you won." Tsuki said.

"And I see that you didn't." I laughed.

"Oh no. I did. This right here, this isn't the certificate. It's one of my favorite forbidden scrolls." Tsuki's voice darkened a bit. One of his favorite forbidden scrolls? Don't tell me he let something as crazy as that on the battlefield.

"What does that one do?" I asked

"This scroll right here is nothing to be messed with. Once when you open it it unleashes a very dark chakra that leaves your opponent motionless and also speechless. Furthermore it puts them into a state of mind that lowers their self-esteem and their confidence. But this is only when the scroll is opened. Meanwhile it also limits the chakra that they use. It once they are in the state of fear they forgot every Jutsu that they know giving you the higher advantage." Tsuki explains, "I never thought I had to use it but my opponent led me with no other choice."

Wow. That is some intense power. I feel bad for the loser that had to go up against Tsuki. His forbidden scrolls are not the ones to be messed with. I had no idea that that a scroll can do such thing.

"Oh, and by the way, you don't have to worry about Neji Hyūga." Tsuki added.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, not letting my guard down on what he might do.

"Neji Hyūga was my opponent."

My heart dropped to the bottom of my feet. He's bluffing right? There's no way the be defeated Neji. This isn't true.

"The guy was such a whimp. You should've seen the look on his face when I summoned the scroll. He didn't even move a muscle." Tsuki laughed at the thought of it, "I was enjoying myself. I even made him kneel to me. It was glorious." He started to laugh. I wanted to smack him so bad, but I had to keep my cool.

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