Just for you

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Gumball's pov:

After a small bit of walking me and Marshall reach a building I don't recognize.

"Marshall where are we?" I ask still holding his hand.

"You'll see gummy you'll see" He leads me inside and I immediately realize where we're at.

"Marshall! Oh my god I didn't know there was a planetarium here!" How did he know I love Astronomy!

"I saw you reading some books about consolations and stuff so I just assumed you liked space." Marshall says grinning.

"I really do thank you Marshall!" I smile and hug him.

"Come on let's go get a good seat!" And we run off to find the perfect seat in the planetarium. I leaned on Marshall's shoulder the entire time, it was wonderful.


Afterwards Marshall takes me to a great restaurant it was quiet but also very homey, he totally gets me we haven't even know each other that long but he totally gets me.

Surprisingly enough though Marshall doesn't eat anything. He jut buys some red velvet cake in a to go box, it feels awkward eating alone but it's fine. I'm just glad I'm here.

Marshall just stares at me and smiles the entire time.

"You know what bubba?" I look up at him.


"Your adorable~" he says leaning his head on one hand and my face flushes.

"No I'm not" I say going back to my food. Marshall just chuckles and watches me. A few minutes later Marshall stands up.

"I'll be right back gummy I have to use the bathroom" he says before walking to the back, and I eat in silence.

"Oh~ if it isn't my favorite little student gumball" I look up to see Mr. Ricardio I'm a father expensive looking tux.

"Mr. Ricardio, it's nice to see you. What are you doing here." I ask setting my phone down.

"Oh well I saw you and Marshall and thought that I could stop by and say hello~" he says sliding in the seat next to me, he was looking at me the same way Marshall was except.....the way he looks at me makes me feel really uncomfortable.

"You know gumball, are you sure you want to be out here with a guy like Marshall? How much do oh really know about him? Do you even like him? Does he even like you?" He says and my face gets kinda sad, he does have a point.

"Come with me I'll take you to many more places than Marshall ever could" he says holding out his hand, but I refuse.

"Sorry Mr. Ricardio but I already promised Marshall I can't just leave him."  His face gets kinda dark mad he turns his head a bit and quickly back to me.

"Then I'll leave you with this" Mr. Ricardio leans in and kisses me right before Marshall shows up and throws him off. That felt...disgusting. It never feels like that when I'm kissing Marshall but Mr. Ricardio's kiss felt horrible, I feel sick.

"What in hells name are you doing!?" He says kicking Mr. Ricardo in the stomach but he just chuckles and runs off.

"NEVER TOUCH MY BUBBA AGAIN!!" He yells throwing a fork at him. I blush as Marshall turns to me rubbing my lips with his sleeve.

"We have to get that disgusting stain off your lips" I just smile and chuckle.

"Thank you marshy~" I teased and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Come on let's get you a to go box and head to our last stop" so we do as he says.


We stop at that park from a while ago but this time Marshall pulls me around to the area behind the bathrooms and fence and looks at me.

"What are we doing here marshal-" he cuts me off with a kiss and wraps his arms around my waist. I kiss back happily. This is what a really kiss feels like. He kisses be over and over for about 10 minutes which felt like a wonderful eternity.

Afterwards we smiles at me and holds my hand walking me home.

"I had a wonderful time Marshall." I smile.

"Same to you gumball get some sleep." He smiles me back and kisses  me before running off.

"Love you bubba!!" He screams and I blushed hard as he walks off into the night.

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