The knife flew through the air like a bullet. I saw it in slow motion and couldn't do anything. I screamed as it went past me and reflected my face on the blade. It would have been something beautiful to see if it wasn't hurling toward my friend. It had two dragons that met and encircled each other. The dragons head made out the upper handle and their eyes were made of sea blue gems. The blade was curved and finely sharpened. It was made for slicing and dicing, not tearing like some other daggers.

Izzy out her hand up and stopped it right before it touched her face. She was holding it up with... Magic! The room filled with surprised gasps. Lynda and Izzy stared each other down. Izzy put up a mental wall to face her foe and worst fear. Lynda let out a laugh, "Her real name is Willow Isabelle Dracova."

Sean stood up and with a face that scared me. He said, "You're, the, Willow? The same Willow who plotted against the factions governments. One of the strongest human mages to have ever lived? You are wanted for treason!"

Izzy said, "Yes. I am. I know what I did was wrong. Now I see how both sides are and all of you are dumbasses. I'm not here though to turn myself in. I think you can grant me a pardon because I'm trying to save the world."

Sean said, "It's our duty to-"

"I don't like to use my magic, but if you try locking me up, I will escape. There's only so much you could do to stop a teleport spell." She told the room of awe stricken and horrified men.

A teleport spell is a spell only few can properly cast. She must've trained since she was really little. Izzy put the knife down and sighed at it. She had a glint of recognition in her eyes while looking at it. She looked back up at the people in the room who still had nothing to say.

I said, "I didn't know. I'm sorry everyone."

Sean said, "I think a break should be in order."

We all agreed and I grabbed Izzy by the arm then lead her out to the hall with me. I was surprised, angry, and hurt that she didn't tell me anything. I was her friend and she was hiding this whole other side of her from me; from our team. I wanted to know what happened and what did she do that was so horrible she created another person to hide behind. It was like she had this mask on. This mask hid a lot of herself. The closer to her home we got, the mask started to crack. Izzy's face broke away and Willow was left. A stranger more or less.

I asked once we were out in the hall far from the meeting room, "Who are you, really?"

I wasn't sure what to call her anymore. She told me, "I am still the person you know, Brima."

I threw my hands up and turned my back to her, "I thought we were friends! Do you not trust me?"

"I didn't..." She sighed and I faced her. She pinched the bridge on her nose, "I wasn't going to let the knife hit me. I needed to stop it and I couldn't have done it any other way. I wasn't going to tell you guys to be honest. I'm still Izzy. The wandering thief who can still teach you a lot. I can still teach you a lot."


"I'm Izzy. Willow was weak. Small. Doing things for other people and following horrid orders." She said, "Lynda was the leader of our group. I followed her and we did some good things. But, we started to do questionable things. She had me use my magic to destroy buildings of people and create diversions so our group could kill target. I couldn't do it anymore.

I folded my arms, "Why did you sigh at that knife?"

"That knife she threw was mine. It was in a set. She wanted to remind me of my past. I killed five people with that knife set and she ordered them all. Those knives are my past. Willow is my past. I'm not that person anymore."

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