I woke up to the sound of my brothers fighting and yelling at each other. Silly brats they are. They seem to always be fighting over something. I turn over and throw my pillow over my head. Oh, I was having such a beautiful dream. I was with Drevey in the fields overlooking the treeline of the white forest. Why do those dumb, little, obnoxious, brats do this all the time. By the creator if I have to get up one more time, I will kick their butts.

I can still hear them, even with my pillow over my head. My mom is now yelling. Creator bless her. She has had to raise my older brother, me, and my two younger brother by herself. My father sadly died when my youngest brothers were born. That was five years ago. She runs an Inn with the help of my older brother Adien. She is one hardy woman, I'll tell you. She used to be a guard for the emperor until she took an arrow to the knee. It's the same place my father and her met. She was one of the best at her job and if any drunken bastard walks into our inn, she deals with them how ever she sees fit. You do not cross mother or mother will make your life a living hell.

Why my younger brothers do not understand this, I am not sure? Maybe just young ignorance is to blame. I heard her yell, "Seim, Wielm! It is too early for this! I will get the flipping belt! Go outside and bother someone else about your stupid fights over a toy!"

I laid flat out on my bed and sighed. I live in mad house with two little devils and a devil lord to be frankly honest. My pet cat came up on my bed and started to walk on top of me. I said, "Hey Nialls."

He meowed at me and started to purr. I scratched him on the head and picked him up so I could get up. My mom came into my room and said, "Good, you're up. I want you to run to the market and pick up some food for the house."

I rubbed my eyes, "Yeah. Okay. Just  let me get up and dressed and stuff."

She left and I got up with my feet hurting from yesterday. I was working all day yesterday. I got a job as a cook at the city restaurant. These travelers want their food way too quickly. I am not that fast at cooking. Nor is the food that fast at being cooked. I have the day off today because it's the last day of the week. Everyone has the day of in my faction. I'm not religious or anything, but it's sure a great day when I do get a day off. 

I went out of my room and to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and said to myself, "Okay, Brima, you are one great fucking elf and today will be a great day."

I grab my brush and start to run through my black, straight, thick hair. I then sighed when my brush got stuck. I then gave up and used my magic to untangle my hair. I took another look in the mirror. My soft skin seemed to start getting oily again. My jade green eyes made my bags stand out and I had to put some makeup on. No way tired me is ever going to make any steps out of my house.

I went into my closet and got an outfit out. A shirt and pants. Nothing elegant like some people like to dress on the religious day. I walked out and past my brothers who sat pouting on opposite sides of the room. My older brother Adien was whistling up a storm while cooking eggs. I said, "Morning. Are you making eggs for everyone?"

He said, "I'm making egg wraps. With ham, cheese, peppers, and of course eggs."

My mom came out with paper and said, "Okay, so here is the list of things you need to get because Mr. Chief here thinks we have endless food."

Adien laughed, "You love my cooking ma. Shhhh."

I grabbed the list and said, "I'll take my food on the go. I want to start on this asap."

My mother asked, "Why?"

I shrugged and hid a smile, "Reasons."

Adien butt in, "Because Drevey will be out and about?"

Carthispire Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon