We went to the barracks to heal the guards and their army force. They were cramped and there was musty smell in the air. The people effected with the illness were shaking either on the floor or in their beds. They tried to place as many people in beds as possible. There were so many of them though. I started to think about their families and how they feel with their loved ones effected. Someone grabbed my leg. I jumped and looked down to the small wood elf who couldn't have been older than twenty. She said, "Can I have some water?"

Izzy was behind me and she bent down to the woman and grabbed her hand, "I have a cure. Just hold on."

The woman smiled and nodded, "Thank you."

We walked to the middle of the room were the effected people gathered around us. Zeckiel and two of the strongest mages drew a circle and put a bowl in the middle of it. Zeckiel said, "Izzy, this is going to hurt. I will try my best to not make it hurt as much. Just relax and hold Brima's hand."

Izzy said, "Can't hurt as much as the rune could right?"

Zeckiel took out a dagger and sighed, "I'm really sorry about that and this."

Izzy nodded and looked up. She murmured, "Do it."

She put her hand over the bowl and Zeckiel slashed her palm open and she squeezed my hand tight pursuing her lips. The mage with the nightshade put it into the bowl. He chanted some words. The other mage put the soul cairn dust in the bowl and changed some words. Izzy's blood dripped into the bowl and Zeckiel pressed on it to make more flow out. She whimpered and a tear fell down her face. She gripped my hand so much I thought it was going to fall off.

Zeckiel mixed everything in with the knife and chanted, "Ełx pæ etçh. Wìc driq etçh. ROË!"

He then lit the bowl on fire with a spell and the ground shook. Suddenly, the people around us started to look better. They smiled and cheered. Izzy looked pale and she fell into my arms. Zeckiel went to her side and said, "I can heal you. Hold on. Please."

She nodded and muttered, "I helped." She fell into my arms.

The room of people gathered around us. She was pale as a ghost and I started to try to heal her. It wasn't working. She was losing consciousness. I started to cry. I said, "Just hold on. I'm trying." I tried harder and the wound on her hand healed then reopened more. She was getting weaker in my arms and I started shaking. Zeckiel put his hand up and tried to stop the bleeding with his powers. The tried to heal her. She just kept getting weaker.

I whimpered and sobbed, "No, no, no, no!"

She couldn't have died right there. I wouldn't have let her. I didn't care how much blood she lost, I wasn't going to let her go. Angry with myself I tried harder and my spells. I stroked her hair lovingly. I started to cry over her and I heard people shift around me.

The room of people suddenly put their hands all around her. The mages did the same. They casted a healing spell all at once. She turned to a normal complexion and the slash on her hand healed. Her eyes fluttered open. The people cheered once more. The woman who we saw earlier hugged Izzy and said, "You saved us! Creator bless you!"

The woman parted from her and Izzy said, "And, you have saved me. Thank you."

I hugged her and she laughed, "I'm okay. I knew you guys could do it."

I hugged her tight and I realized why I was there. I am a balance in the group order. Izzy wasn't just my teacher, my friend, or my protector. Izzy was someone who I wouldn't be complete without. Who we wouldn't be complete without. Just as I am part of the balance. This question still remained though. Why me and not some other random girl?

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