You Left

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A/N: I'm going to be updating slowly. I'm sorry for that. I have to think about reality a bit more... But once in a while I'll sink back into this world of mine and write. So, please enjoy it while you can~~

You left them in the cafe. They were confused by your sudden action, and was looking at each other. (With lusting eyes. Just kidding!~~)

Enough distractions, now. You had to get to the book association club. So, to The Seoul Library from this cafe it was, 20 minutes away. You quickly run o the train station, almost bumping into a nicely dressed man. Poor guy.


(Friend) hugged you as you made it inside the building. You looked around and saw that many people were in the library.

"What's up with the crowd?" You wince when the crowd suddenly shrieks. (Friend) shrugs, "Some celebrity came in and the girls in the book association are fans. So, they went up to him. And here we are." You two laugh and sit down with the boys of the book association.

You take out the few books you brought in.

"Okay so here some book called--"

"Please, ladies I just want to look at some books." You were cut off by the celebrity. You roll your eyes, as the girls shriek once more. Even though these interruptions were annoying, they did make you curious. You glance over at the crowd, as soon as it dies down.  There was a man a bit older than you. He had long white hair. You look longer.

He sees you staring at him and smiles. You raise a brow, confused. Why? He started walking towards you and the association. He take a breath to speak.

"(NAME)?" He looks around the group of people. You stand up.

"Do you need anything? Umm." You don't know this actors name. He looked hurt for a second. "Zen."

"Zen." Nice name.

"I just wanted you to know about something called the RFA party. We host it. I would recommend you coming along, just forward any questions to this email." He quickly walks away, after handing you the email. Most of the girls in the association squeal, but you just stand there. Even more confused.

Okay. So you finish up the meeting. Everyone has already read the books you brought in, so that was a complete failure. It was getting pretty late, so you decide to head home.

So, that's where you ended up. Sitting home, on your bed. You had the lights on. You were on your phone. Maybe you should change Unknown to Seven. Yeah. Then, you decide to talk to him.

<<You enter the Chatroom>>

You: Heya Seven.

Seven: Hey

You: Sorry about leaving so quickly we only had so little to talk about.

You: By that I meant me trying to find you how you got my number

Seven: Yeah. Lol

Seven: Hey look. I don't think this is fun anymore.

You: What do you mean not fun? Seven are you alright?

Seven: Can you delete my number? It's not cool to be talking like this anymore.

You: What's gotten into you? Seven?

Seven: I got to go

<<Seven left the Chatroom>>

He definitely had a different feeling around him tonight.

You sigh. Maybe you should check out that email, Zen gave you. He seemed legit enough.

Topic: RFA party
From: You
To: Party Coordinator

Hi. My name is (name) and I'm from the book association. I'm sure you've heard about us from an actor called Zen? I'm not really sure where he filmed or even what he filmed, but he seemed pretty popular.

So, about the RFA party I don't really know much about it, and neither do many of the members of the association. Would you care to inform me about it? We'd be happy to come if you do.

- email sent

You send the email. You were getting tired, but that chat with Seven was bothering you. Why didn't he want to talk to you anymore. It hurt. Why is your heart throbbing?
You realized you had feelings for Seven. A man you just met and have been talking to for about half a week. "Damnit."

Stealing a Troll's Heart (SevenxReader)Where stories live. Discover now