Cammie : 24

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We get off the bus and I meet Ally and Stevie, while Shannon goes and gets stuff from her locker before first period.
"You 2 are so cute." I smiles because Stevie is sat on Ally's lap.
They make eye contact make eye contact and I smile at them.
"Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" I hear Rose chanting from behind me.
"Shut u-" Ally starts but she gets interrupted by Stevie kissing the corner of her mouth.

I stand for a second when Danny comes up from behind and picks me up.
"Hey." I squeal surprised.
"How are you?!" He says putting me down carefully.
"Good, good." He smiled and looked around, "where is she?"
"Who?" I asked.
"Shannon..." he replied.
"Why?" I was confused.
"Because I need to meet this girl."
"Talk of the devil." Danny grins as he looks behind me.
I turn around and see Shannon dancing to her music while she walked over. She looked up and notices we were all staring before going bright red. She takes her ear buds out and jogs a the rest of the way.
"You were enjoying that song!" I laugh.
"Yeah, a little bit too much, don't ya think." She sighs and smiles at all of my friends.
"Hi, I'm Shannon." She introduced herself.
"Rose and this is my girl friend Rosie." She says showing her that they were holding hands.
"Ally." She smiled from behind Stevie.
"Hills, right?!" Shannon says back.
"Ye-ah." Ally replies confused.
"We have music together." Shannon explained.
"Hi I'm Stevie." She waved and did a really cheesy grin.
"Hi." Shan replied, "and you must be Danny!"

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