Your Miracle And Your Superhero

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Life and fate may sometimes place us in a situation which seems the dead end of our path, from where there may not be any escapade or turning or fork which may enable  to take a fresh route and proceed with our journey

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Life and fate may sometimes place us in a situation which seems the dead end of our path, from where there may not be any escapade or turning or fork which may enable  to take a fresh route and proceed with our journey.

Or  what if some miracle happens and the block disappears like it never existed.

Like, the  spiderman suddenly appearing and taking you away from the place.

Gorgeous dream,isn't?

But still a  miracle is possible. Not in the form of a Spiderman,vampire or werewolf but in the form of a  superhero that is residing  within you, yourself.

Recharge  that Super hero who is in a flickering power mode and start working your way out of the block that life has placed you  in.

How to recharge the superhero? Yup

Through  good thoughts, meditation and auto suggestion at least once in a day, and visiting any holy abode of God where you find calmness and peace to think and come up with a good solution.

I am sure you will definitely find a way out of the pain or dead end you are placed in. Miraculously with all this beautiful ways you  can indeed find a way out

All the superhero characters are just creation of an imaginative mind and they are that imaginative mind's superheroes.  we too have our own superheroes instilled within us.

Just keep your mind open to every goodness and positivity that pass us. Just ward off the negativity that may pierce through  the tender folds of our innards resulting in bleeding of disquieting thoughts .

And let in the good thoughts that will caress and fondle your mind with its soothing positivity which can result as a comfort flow of power surging thoughts.

In my opinion that is the greatest miracle one could come up with in this fast frenzied and mad rat race of this world. Just try it out. You won't regret doing it.

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