Demolishing Thoughts

37 11 16

You are a lost cause

See,there is nothing left, a fair share is over, now there is no hope.

You have lost it dear

I don't think you will ever be able to do that.

How come you blindly live in a fool's paradise in the hope of everything getting alright. That is something nonsensical

These are some cursed words which will work as poison in people's life who seem to be at a loss at some point or the other in their life .

In everyone's life there comes a time when things seem impossible and it  is during such period they need a positive push to move forward in their life rather than a negative shoving away   which will detrimentally lead them to  stagger and stumble in their lives.

If you are incapacitate or insufferable to the idea of positivity and goodness just keep your petty garbage trash of a mouth shut rather than inflicting pain upon others with your unfiltered and ill nurtured mind  and tongue.

So it is your choice wanna be a sick Voldemort who saddle someone  with negativity.

Or a wonderful wizard who embalms  the inner wounds to cure thereby making them come back to the life with a happy smile.

Be a person who shows the light of life to others than the dark soul who put off every single positivity flame one has been jotting up within them for a long time.

Be positive stay motivated and inspiring.

Dedicated to all wonderful and positive people out here.

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