"Since when did you come here to train? Only real ninja train you know. And last time I checked, you don't even have a team."

I grit my teeth and keep up an Indifferent expression. Unfortunately, Hikaru wasn't doing so well with his emotions.
His hands curl up into fists.

"Now you listen here! I may not have known Shizukana for very long, but no one. And I mean NO ONE, disrespects my contractor like that. Do you understand!" What was this? I though he hated me.... I look at Hikaru in shock.

Sakura merely scoffs and turns away, arms crossed like the child she was. I visibly see Hikaru reach for one of the kunai Hiruzen-Sensai supplied him with. I grab his hand and shake my head.

"B-But Shizu-" I give him a soft look. "Thank you for defending me...but you don't need to pull out any weapons." I let go of his hand, and he puts the Kunai way.

"Hey Shizu-chan! Who's this guy!?" A loud voice exclaims.

A small smile reach's my lips at the honorifics given to me. Although the smile was hidden under my mask...it was still there.
Turning back to Naruto, I ruffle his hair, causing an irritated whine to escape him.

"The red head is one...of my summons. His name is Hikaru, and you'll....be seeing him with me a lot."

"Cool! Wait..what are summons?"

I shake my head and let out a small laugh.
"I'll explain.. more in depth later okay? Right now... I need to get to training."

Off in the distance, towards Sasuke to be exact, Sakura's loud (and annoying) voice rings out. Unfortunately for Sasuke, the girl was clinging to him like glue to paper, and he obviously wasn't enjoying it.

I look to Hikaru and Naruto, a plan formulating in my mind.
I bring the two closer, causing them to look at me with suspicion. Iv'e never had fun with kids my age..so now seems like the perfect moment to do so.

I point to the ravenette as well as the pinkette.
"See those two?...I want you to help me with a decision...we can either help Sasuke out...or make it worse for him..."

After those words, the boys instantly get mischievous grins on their faces.

"I think we should make it worse for him!Believe it!"

"I agree with the blonde. I feel like messing with someone, and now seems like the best time. Especially since Kakashi will arrive at any moment. He'll be able to see our masterpiece!"

Naruto turns and looks at Hikaru with surprise.
"You know Kakashi-Sensai!?"

Immediately, I tense at what Naruto had just said. Did he just say Sensei?..if its true..then that means i'd have to work with Sakura and Sasuke. It's not that bad..I guess I can learn to work with them so long as Sakura stays away from me.

"Oi! Shizu-chan! Snap out of it!"

I look at the two and mumble a small apology.

"So are we gonna do this or not?"
I nod and begin to explain the plan to them. At the end, both of their eyes glittered with glee.

"I like you so much more now." Hikaru says with a smile.

Smiling a little and I shoo them off. I wasn't part of the main plan. My job was to cage Sasuke and Sakura together, as girl versions of Hikaru and Naruto distract them. Mind you, they'll only be simple illusion clones, not the real deal.

As the two disappear/hide so they can create clones, I focus on Sasuke and Sakura.

It seems that as long as the Uchiha boy stays where he is...then Sakura will do the same.

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now