Look What I Found!!! :00

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I was looking through my room, when I found this:

I remember what it is!So, my dad used to work at this place for the DCF Office

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I remember what it is!
So, my dad used to work at this place for the DCF Office.
Basically the people there sold handmade stuff.
This is like...a really cool sketchbook.
But it's also very delicate.
I did 2 drawings, and the first one...I like..erased something a tiny bit too rough... (Like erasing something on a normal paper) and it started to get a small hole in it.
I gotta be careful....
Also, the paper is tree-free.
It's also got this cool texture...and it's kinda soft XD
The next two drawings will be from this notebook thingymajiger XD

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