➳ Chapter Eighteen - Home Sweet Home ✑

Start from the beginning

"Why'd you want to see-" I was about to finish my question when he crashed his lips on mine. It was so sudden and unexpected.

"Hi," was all he said when he pulled away.

"Well hi there, what was that for?" I asked even though I didn't have a problem with him randomly kissing me.

"I just needed some good luck for the meeting," he replied with a shrug.

I honestly didn't know how much of this my heart could take.


"Look what I picked up on my way home," Xavier said.

I turned around to see him taking out a can of whipped cream from a bag. I slowly walked towards him and took the can and out of his hands. Then I opened it an sprayed a little bit on my finger.

"Great now we have something to put on the pancakes," I said as I licked the whipped cream off of my finger.

"You're such a tease Nicole," he replied putting that same finger in his mouth.

He proceeded to kiss the palm of my hand.

"Who's the tease now," I said with a small breathless giggle.

Then he went straight for my lips. He made me feel as like I was floating. His lips lifted away from mines and found their way to my cheeks and slowly down to my neck. For minute a I was in pure bliss. I opened my eyes to find Jason looking at us over Xavier's shoulder and I froze.

"Jason! What are you doing here?" I asked in shock. I was over here panicking and Xavier was sill calmly kissing my neck.

"Nicole are you feeling okay?" Jason asked.

Then I realize that I wasn't with Xavier in his kitchen but I was still in my office. I was freaking daydreaming! I needed to get a grip.

"I-uh- Yeah my mind was just somewhere else," I replied.

Somewhere else was definitely an understatement.

"Well I just came to let you know that the food is here, if you're hungry," he said.

"Thanks but I already ate earlier, I went and made myself some mac and cheese I couldn't wait," I replied.

"You made mac and cheese?" he asked. "I haven't had that since I was a kid," he said with excitement and here I was thinking he was going to laugh at me.

"Well you can have some if you like, there's still a lot left in the kitchen down in HR," I replied.

I know I don't work there anymore but I still prefer to have lunch there with my friends rather than stay cooped up in my new office. I was still getting used to all this change.

"Thanks, that's so nice of you," he replied.

"I saw Xavier walking around a while ago, are you guys all done with the meeting?" I asked Jason as he sat next to me.

"No, he just needs a quiet place to walk around, it helps him think," he replied.

"Does he do that often?" I asked.

"Sometimes, I think everyone's gotten used to it by now, that's kinda when the magic happens," he said and I raised my eyebrow. "When he comes up with his best ideas," he explained.

"Okay, well do you need help with anything?" I asked.

"Are you serious? Because I have a ton of paper work on my desk but I really need to help Xavier," he asked.

"Yeah it's not a problem, I don't really have anything to do right now," I replied.

"You're a lifesaver, I have to warn you though I've been told I don't exactly have the best handwriting," he said. "But I do have a little system going, everything with a red post it need to be done ASAP, the ones with yellow by the end of the week and the ones with green still have until the end of the month," he added as we walked down the hall to his office.

"I think I got it but how bad of a handwriting are we talking here," I replied.

"I swear I really don't think it's that bad to be honest," he replied laughing.

"And if anything needs my signature there's a stamp in the draw," he said.

"You have a signature stamp? Aren't you afraid of something like that getting in the wrong hands?" I asked.

"You watch way too much TV Nicole, I don't think anyone will be breaking into my office anytime soon," he replied with a chuckle. "Okay are you all set?" he asked.

"Yeah, I think I can handle it from here," I replied


Just another filler, sorry. I realized I haven't updated in a long time but no need to worry I'm very much alive. Just a warning I may not update again for a while because I have school stuff I need to deal with right now so until then enjoy this chapter.

1336 words

Picture of Nicole at the top.

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