Calls to Raven

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He woke to a scream. He wasn't sure if it was real or not, so he got up to check. He walked down the hall to Raven's room, and knocked. "Come in, Damian," a voice said from the other side of the door. It was a sad voice, as if something was terribly wrong.
Damian Wayne, the youngest Robin ever, the kid who was afraid of nothing, felt a slight hint of fear as he walked in, as if he thought something was going to happen. "Was that-" he started, but cut off as soon as he saw Raven's face.
A sad look, like her life was over. Damian knew something was going on, but didn't dare to ask.
"It's not him again, is it?" he finally asked. Raven kept her head down, waited a couple minutes, and sighed.
"Not to worry you," she said, "but it might be. Ever since I trapped him again, it's soundinglike he was trying to get out. I've kept quiet so nobody would worry, but..."
He understood. "I guess I'll just leave you-"
"No, please." Raven interrupted. "I know this sounds crazy, but... I'm afraid. I-I can't face him again. Not another time." She paused, then continued. "It's nice to have someone else to talk to. Before you, no one understood me. But, you... you're different than the others.
"Honestly, I still prefer to be alone, but I feel more comfortable around someone like you. I... you know what, never mind. You need your sleep."
"Raven, listen." Damian said, ignoring her. "I'm worried about you. We all are. Everyone's noticed that you're a little more, I don't know depressed, than usual."
"I appreciate your concern," Raven admitted, "but you do need sleep." Damian stared for a second, then walked out.
And at that the conversation was over. Raven was glad. She couldn't handle to tell anyone the truth, though she knew she would.
"What was that?" she said, mainly to herself.
You know what this is, Raven. I will escape. I will destroy everything. I am more powerful than you could ever imagine. You'll never stand a chance again.
No! You'll never get out! I won't let you touch this world ever again! Now leave me alone!

In the morning, Damian could tell that something was troubling her. He decided not to ask, mainly because he didn't want anyone else to worry. "Hey Raven," he whispered to her at breakfast. "What happened last night? You know, after I left."
     Raven stayed quiet for a while, then replied, saying, "We'll talk about it later. Meet me in my room after lunch." Damian nodded and turned to Starfire.
     "Hey Starfire, I noticed something wrong with Raven. I don't know if it's just me or what, but she's been different, ever since Trigon came. I don't know, but it's like she's scared, or something." He paused, not knowing what to say.
"We've all noticed," Starfire said, as calm as possible. "And we're all like you; we don't know how to handle it."
Garfield overheard them, and joined in. "Yeah, I see what you mean," he said, pointing to Raven. She had the same expression as the night before, a sad look, like everything was gone.
"I'm going to-" Damian started, but stopped as soon as he saw what Raven did; she had fallen from her chair, screaming something that should be tearing her vocal cords to shreds.
"Raven!" Damian hollered, worried about what was happening. They all rushed to Raven's side, trying their best to help her, but she was constantly screaming, tears streaming down her face. No one had a clue what was happening, but they were all freaking out.
"Beetle!" Damian yelled! "Can your bug hold her down?"
     "I can't control it!" he replied. "You know that!"
After almost half an hour, she stopped.
"I'm sorry," she said. "Something came over me, like I was possessed." No one knew what she meant. They didn't understand. But at the same time, they felt like they did.
"Someone's calling to me," she continued. "Someone that wants us dead."
Damian decided to ask. "Who?"
She paused.
She paused, then pointed at Damian.
"And your mom."

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