"Hey, I was just wondering what time you finish today and whether you were picking Darcie from school?" He asked whilst running his hand over his fade and scratching his beard.

"No Micaiah is gonna pick her on his way home and then take her back to my mothers cause I finish at 5 today." She said before clicking something on her computer. She then diverted her full attention to him. "If you're finishing earlier then you could just leave me my keys and your address and I'm sure Bey won't mind giving me a ride,"

"Are you sure that won't be a problem?" He said with a slight look of concern. "I know I said I'd take you but my mother wants us round hers for dinner tonight so I have to leave a bit earlier than planned and-"

She cut him off with a chuckle. "It's alright Aubrey. I understand that you have priorities just like everyone else. Just leave me my key and the address and I'll pick it up." She gave him a reassuring smile.

He reached into his pocket and took out the key and handed it to her before he took a pen from her desk and a piece of paper and wrote down his address.

"Make sure to tell mama I said hi. I miss her, it's been a long five years." She said as she watched him write the address.

"It has. And don't worry I will. She misses you too. You should definitely drop by to see her some time." He spoke as he placed everything back and stood with his hands in his pockets.

"I'll be sure too," she said with a smile that he returned. He walked towards the door and opened it before turning to face her again now watching her as she sat engrossed in her work again.

"Tell the little princess I said hi and that I'll be coming to see her again soon." He said just as Bey walked back in with Nicki'a coffee and thanked him for holding the door for her.

"I will do. And I'm sure she'll be waiting." With that he was out of her office and once again she was faced with a curious Bey who wanted answers...


Nicki parked her car in her mothers driveway before getting out and heading towards the door. She rang the doorbell and it was soon answered by Micaiah, who was more eager to get back to his game than see his sister.

"Hello to you too Caiah." She walked through and went to the dining room where she found her daughter reading away to her grandmother. She smiled at them both before she went and interrupted them.

"How was your day Darc?" She asked as she sat her on her lap.

"It was good. I had lot of fun," Darcie said, her voice laced with enthusiasm. "Why didn't Mr. Drake pick me up?"

"Because I was still working princess and he had places to be. He'll pick you up another day," She said and kiss her cheek. "Now go and play with Uncle Caiah, cause I need to speak to Grandma about something." Darcie did as she was asked by her mother and once she was gone, Nicki just looked at her mother.

"Why do I feel like I'm in trouble?" Carol asked, already suspecting where the conversation was leading.

"Because you are. Why did you tell her about him?" Nicki asked. "I wasn't ready for her to know and I went to dinner with him last night and she was ready to tell him there and then that he was her father."

"She wanted to know. She looked so upset and I had to tell her," Carol said in a small voice, avoiding eye contact with her daughter.

"You could've at least told me that you told her. Or better yet, she knew what he looked like."

"I'm sorry. But it was for the best. At least not you don't have to explain it to her yourself,"

"But how am I going to explain to him when she slips up," she said and ran her hand through her hair...

Drake sat next to his mother as she went through the photo album. They were at a family dinner and his mother couldn't pass an opportunity to show Christina some more baby pictures of drake.

"Aww look at him in this one," Christina pointed to one of the pictures and Sandi chuckled.

"Yeah that one was always one of my favourites. The off guard Ines are the best ones." Sandi said, also admiring the picture. "Aubrey look, don't you like this picture too?"

He looked away from his phone and at the picture. His face formed a slight look of confusion as he looked closely at the picture. He couldn't tear his eyes away, but at the same time it wasn't making sense to him.

"Are you alright babe? You seem a bit confused,"Christina asked slightly confused herself over what he had seen.

"Uh Yeah, Yeah I'm fine," he chuckled. "That is a cute picture, I haven't changed much then." He smirked and his mother hit him on the arm. They all chuckled before returning to the photo album, but drake returned to his thoughts and tried to piece together what was still not making sense in his head...


Well, Well, Well. Another update next Sunday. Let us know what you thought tho? What could he be thinking about?

Much Appreciated

_PaintedPyramids & Fyesdrizzy X

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