S1E3 'The Slump'

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Stuck in a run of unsolved cases, Jake fears he's in a slump, while the other detectives worry about his losing streak rubbing off on them. Meanwhile, Santiago enlists Rosa and Gina when Holt asks her to speak to at-risk youths. Meanwhile, Terry need Boyle's help on a secret project.

-Amy: You're not a cop so I'm not really sure how you could help.

-Gina: Mmm-kay. No hard feelings, but I hate you. Not joking, bye.

-Jake: I have a murder here with no leads and no evidence. It's unsolvable, and thus, shall have no paperwork.

-Hitchcock: You had me at 'no paperwork'.

-Jake: That was the very end of the sentence.

-Jake: "Die Hard is the best cop movie of all time. One cop heroically saving the day while everyone else stands around and watches. It's the story of my life."

-Jake: Sarge, what would you do (to get out of a slump)?

-Sergeant Jeffords: Ten thousand sit-ups.

-Jake: Okay. Do you have a back up plan in case my hypothetical person can only do 9500? Or three?

-Gina: Yes, I am amazing. And I only ask for one thing is repayment, a 600% raise.

-Captain Holt: Or I could give you a 0% raise, and make you my personal assistant. Which is what I'm doing. I think you have hidden talents which will make you surprisingly good at the job,

-Gina: No, I have no talents.

-Boyle: "Man, girls are so scary."

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