9; Bad Habit

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Chapter 9

"You gotta let go, come with me."

(Raine's POV)

When I had called my mother again, she told me that she couldn't afford all of my expenses on her own, and I needed to find a job. Even if it paid minimum wage, it was enough of a paycheck to feed me. So, of course, when the euphoric college experience only lasted about a week, reality settled in, and I realized I needed a job.

The thing about New Orleans is that you can either get fabulous jobs, crappy jobs, sell drugs, or entertain on the streets (sometimes, the sheets, too). So, after realizing my resume only consisted of a waitress at the seafood place I used to work at, my chances of being a corporate manager were slim to none. So I went deep in the ruins of New Orleans to look for jobs, and after a successful day of applying to about thirteen restaurants, I decided it was time to go home.

These past few weeks, the weather has been incredibly unstable. Sometimes, it's ninety degrees, other times it feels like the sun will never come up again. Today, however, it's decided to rain. It's not as obnoxious as it has been, but it's crazy nonetheless.

I turn up the radio, trying to block out the sound of rain to the sound of Axl Rose's voice, but it's truly of no use because all I can seem to hear is rain. Sighing, I focus on the road ahead of me, hating that I'm in such an unfamiliar part of town. Through the droplets that my windshield wiper is struggling to wipe, I make out a dimly lit bar of some sort on my left-hand side, the only thing that seems to be in the lonely land for another mile or two.

My navigation is telling me that I have another three miles to travel before I reach home, so I ask whatever higher power there is up there to help get me home, safe and sound.

Unfortunately for me, God was definitely not on my side that day. Maybe it's because I faked sick so I didn't have to go to church with my mom when I was twelve, but God decided to take his anger out on me today.

"No, no, no," I mumble, gripping my steering wheel as my car comes to a slow stop despite me hitting the ignition. Cursing, I smack my wheel and pull up on the right side of the road just as my car stops.

Sighing, I attempt to start the car, but it doesn't start. Only then do my eyes fall on my fuel reader, and I notice that my gas is completely empty. How did I not see that before?

Cursing under my breath, I pick up my phone, calling the only person who will help me at a time like this; Kai. After three attempts to call him and about twenty messages in all caps asking why he even has a phone if he never picks it up, I call Anaya. It goes straight to voicemail. I think about calling Zayn, but when I realize I don't even have his number, that option is completely diminished.

Ha, perfect.

I sit in the car for about twenty minutes trying to call someone and not once does a car go past me. When I look back at my navigation, I realize that it decided to take me through the most vacant, scarily quiet route it could possibly think of. After mustering about a million curses under my breath, I search my car for an umbrella even though I know I don't have one.

"I'm going to die today," I say to myself, taking out my keys and taking a deep breath to prepare myself to get drenched in the rain. But, let's face it, if anything's going to kill me in this part of town, it's definitely not the rain.

The moment I step out, my jeans and tank top are completely soaked. I made a mental note to myself to stop wearing tank tops from this day forward, for whenever I wear them, it rains.

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