33; Lover, Please Stay

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Chapter 33

"I can taste you slipping through my hands."

(Zayn's POV)

"Zayn, are you even listening to me?"

Forcing myself to look away from the front door, I focus my attention back on Ana, who is speaking to me about something I'm sure I would care nothing about if I was even paying attention. She has her arms crossed over her chest, a look of pure anger in her eyes, which I have been seeing too much of lately.

"Yeah," I lie, smiling at her softly.

Like a sixth sense, she knows when I'm lying. She turns around to see what I was looking at, but once she notices that nobody has walked through the front door yet, she is just furious. With a scoff, she grabs the drink from my hands and sets it on the counter before taking a step towards me. When I look down at her, she tilts her head tauntingly, threatening me with nothing but her gaze. She is a small girl, but she could be considered scary to those who don't see her for the true coward she is.

"If you wanted Raine, then why are you at my house every night?" She deadpans, clenching her jaw.

"This has nothing to do with Raine." Another lie.

She laughs because even she knows how full of shit I am. "You think I don't know you're waiting for that door to open so you can run back to her?"

"Ana," I sigh, shaking my head. I'm extremely tired of her pretending like this is something more than it really is-sex. Ever since she had come back to town and I got closer to Raine, she knows I'm only using her because I'm too guilty to be around Raine for too long. But now that Raine knows what I've done, Ana must think I'm with her because of more than sex. Which is a shame, really.

"Guess what, Z?" She whispers, grabbing my jacket and pulling me towards her. "At the end of the day, little miss perfect is not going to forgive you any time soon. So I say you stick with the one person who actually talks to you and stop going back to someone you can never have."

My heart burns with intense hatred as I look down at her. She just smirks, knowing better than anyone how to push my buttons. Letting go of my jacket, she takes a step away from me, challenging me with her gaze.

She may be right, but if she thinks I would ever think of her as more than a distraction, then she's dead wrong. It's hard to love someone after you trained yourself to hate everything about them.

"Ana, you know we just fuck, right?" I snap back, not afraid of hurting her. She's not fragile. Just as well as she dishes it out, she can take it right back. Sometimes I wonder she has a lump of coal where her heart should be.

"Yet it's always you that comes back to me," she hisses, her words venomous.

Swallowing hard, I'm about ready to tell her off when the front door opens. As soon as Raine walks in, I suck in a sharp breath, drawn to her like a magnet. She looks around the house, looking for someone, and even when Ana walks out of the kitchen, I'm unable to move.

It had been a week since we had last seen or spoken to each other. I haven't bothered to try reaching out to her, knowing there's no point in trying to mend something so deeply broken. Of course, she hasn't contacted me once either. I don't blame her, but I do wish she would talk to me. In the past few months, she's grown to be a huge part of my life, the only person I can talk to everything about. She is the link I have to my horrid reality and the life I have as a front. Not having her really sucks. She's my best friend and I fucking miss her.

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