Chapter 22

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Aang and I walked through the cities, leaving Sokka, Toph and Katara behind.

"Thanks for coming with me" Aang smiled. "Hotman" he spoke as a man looked at us.

"No problem really, I was sick of that vendor looking at my arm" I sighed before laughing. 

"Hey! Stop!" I deep voice warned. Aang and I turned around, only to be met with two police guards. "It's over. We caught you."

" Who, me?" Aang asked, his face covered with guilt. "It couldn't be more obvious that you don't belong here." he snarled "Next time you play hooky, you might wanna take off your school uniform."

The two guards grabbed Aang. "Hey! Unlike my idiot brother, I skipped school without my uniform on!" I mocked, hoping they would take me with Aang.

"Get the girl" the guard sighed as one of them grabbed my arms. Pain seethed up my burned arm "Hey! Watch it buddy! I'm burned here" I snarled.


Once we reached the school, Aang was taken to another class.

An old woman glared at me as I was pushed in "Ah a new student?" she asked the guard. 

"Yes ma'am" he spoke before leaving. "Well, what's your name?" the teacher asked. I quickly bowed before responding with "Moka".

"Well Moka, you can take a seat in the back of the class, and tomorrow, make sure to wear your uniform!" she warned before turning away. 

Sighing, I made my way to the back of the classroom. I only really went a school a few times, the rest was spent helping my parents. "Wow, where'd you come from hot stuff" a boy snickered. I rolled my eyes at his pun before responding with "A great volcano that will burn you so badly, Prince Zuko's scar will look like a paper cut".

The boy quickly turned and looked towards the teacher.


"Hey!" I called finding Aang after class. He was current smiling at Momo. He turned to me and smiled "Hey Mika, what happened to you?" he asked. "Call me Moka here and I got sent to another class with a bunch of firenuts" I groaned before a small girl walked up.

"I won't tell, I'm not a tattle tail Kuzon" she smiled looking at Momo's tail, causing Aang to smile back. "I'm On Ji by the way" she smiled. "Thank you" I thanked before an older boy walked up and shoved Aang.  

"On Ji, you don't have to baby-sit the new kid." he snarled. "New kids, with an 's' genius" I corrected him, causing his eyes to shoot from On Ji and Aang to me. "Wow. You must be one of those popular kids I've been hearing about." Aang bows. "That's right" the kid spoke proudly.

"Kuzon" I warn "This kid doesn't deserve your respect". 

"Now listen, friends. I know you're from the colonies, so I'll say this slowly. On Ji is my girlfriend and my best friend." he spat slowly.

"You know, we're not stupid, that's why we're here, at this fancy school" I rolled my eyes, already fed up with the Fire Nation. The boy looked at Aang and I before shoving a finger at our chests "Don't forget it"


After Aang decided to go play a game and I had to hunt him down, we returned at the cave near dusk.

"Where have you been? We've been worried sick." Katara gasped looking at us. Sokka rose from his position and looked at me "What happened?!".

"I got invited to play with some kids after school." Aang cheered, which caused me to groan loudly "and guess who had to go all throughout the city to find him".

"After what?!" Sokka gaped looking at the two of us. "We enrolled in a Fire Nation school. And we're going back tomorrow." I spoke, causing Aang to grin.

"Enrolled in what?!" Sokka asks again before falling backwards. "Sokka!" I gasp before rushing over to him and helping him up.

Once he's up, we go around the campfire "Aang, Mika, I'm trying to be mature and not immediately shoot down your idea, but it sounds ... really terrible." Sokka sighs.

"Yeah, we got our outfits. What do you need to go to school for?" Toph questions as she picks at her feet.

"Every minute I'm in that classroom, I'm learning new things about the Fire Nation. I already have a picture of Fire Lord Ozai" Aang cheers holding up a picture of the Fire Lord. "And here's one that I made out of noodles!" he cheers even louder before holding up another photo.

"I didn't make any art, but I'm learning about the current invasion on Ba Sing Se" I voice. Katara takes my hand before Sokka looks away from Aang's art.

"Impressive and helpful, I admit, but I still think it's too dangerous." Sokka warns. "I mean you or Aang could get hurt or expose who you really are."

"I guess we'll never find out about the secret river then. It goes right to the Fire Lord's palace. We were supposed to learn about it in class tomorrow." Aang whistles.

"And I guess we'll never know how many soldiers are in Ba Sing Se as we speak" I whistle back.

"Hmm, I am a fan of secret rivers and Fire Nation soldiers ... fine, let's stay a few more days." Sokka complies.

"Flamey-o, hotman!" Aang cheers before running off.

Katara looks back at us confused.

"Don't ask me, he did that all on his own" I sigh.

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